
Over at Tickle The Wire, Allan Lengel has a good story on the fall of former FBI counter-terrorism agent Mark Rossini. Rossini got caught up in leaking sensitive information to love-interest and actress Linda

Fiorentino (who starred in “Men in Black”), who in turn shared it with Anthony Pellicano, himself a well-known Hollywood type who gained notoriety for digging up dirt on Hollywood celebrities.

Tickle The Wire » The Raven Haired Actress and the Fall of a Dapper FBI Agent

As Mark T. Rossini sat at the defendant’s table in the D.C. federal courthouse in May awaiting his fate, you couldn’t help but wonder, if only for a moment, if he saw himself as a tragic figure in a fabled Hollywood film:

Dapper, veteran FBI agent romances pretty actress and foolishly risks career and prestige — not to mention a $140,000-a-year job — to sneak the actress a secret FBI document.