
Airport Check-in: Registered Traveler program may return – USA Today

Registered Traveler could be making a comeback. Henry Inc., an investment firm, says it signed an agreement to buy some assets of Verified Identity Pass and restart the service, which gives customers front-of-the-line privileges at airport security checkpoints for about $200 a year.

Verified Identity, whose program was called Clear, was the largest RT vendor. But due to lack of financing, it ceased operations in June at 18 airports. Its smaller competitors, Flo Corp. and Vigilant Solutions, also ended their business around the same time.

Flo also sought to buy Clear’s assets, including member lists and equipment. Despite Henry’s announcement, Flo hasn’t abandoned its quest, as Henry’s agreement is “non-exclusive,” says Flo CEO Glenn Argenbright. But even if its latest bid fails, Flo still plans to open its program at two airports this month, he says, declining to name them.