TSA Launches Air Cargo Security Initiatives – HSToday
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (APAQ) has declared war on US aviation, asserted John Sammon, the cargo security point man at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), in a House hearing Wednesday.
“We are in a deadly serious fight. It’s no longer hypothetical; it’s real,” Sammon commented.
APAQ fired its opening salvos in the war with its December 2009 attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight traveling to Detroit, Mich., on Christmas Day, 2009, and with an attempt to smuggle explosives into printing supplies on US-bound cargo fights in October 2010, Sammon said.

TSA Launches Air Cargo Security Initiatives – HSToday

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (APAQ) has declared war on US aviation, asserted John Sammon, the cargo security point man at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), in a House hearing Wednesday.

“We are in a deadly serious fight. It’s no longer hypothetical; it’s real,” Sammon commented.

APAQ fired its opening salvos in the war with its December 2009 attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight traveling to Detroit, Mich., on Christmas Day, 2009, and with an attempt to smuggle explosives into printing supplies on US-bound cargo fights in October 2010, Sammon said.