

Congress and Politics

Congressman Peter King's Hearing on Muslim Radicalization: What's in a Name?

Congressman Peter King’s Hearing on Muslim Radicalization: What’s in a Name? – Homeland Protection Zone
It was billed as a McCarthy era smear against an innocent religious minority and likened to an attack against all Muslims and a propaganda win for al-Qaeda, which would claim the event proves that America is at war with Islam.

Rep. John Mica claim TSA "cooked the books" merits inquiry as Congress looks to rein in DHS costs

Congressman John Mica used a recently updated GAO report to claim that TSA has “cooked the books” when it comes to comparing costs under the Screening Partnership Program. When Administrator Pistole is testifies before the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, members should ask Pistole some questions to clarify his decision on SPP.

Nine Fort Hood Officers Face Disciplinary Action

Nine Fort Hood Officers Face Disciplinary Action – The IPT Blog
Army Secretary John McHugh has ordered disciplinary action for nine unnamed officers in the Fort Hood shooting, according to NBC News. Although the Army’s investigation noted that “no single event” led to the massacre, “certain officers” in command of Major Nidal Hasan “failed to meet the high standards expected of them,” ignoring signs of his increasing radicalization.

Protecting Government Officials – Threat Analysis and Data Collection Needed

How should law enforcement respond to “threats” against government officials, particularly when the “threats” do not rise to the level of criminal activity? Law enforcement has made great strides in collecting data on incidents and behaviors that are suspicious in nature. The advent of Fusion Centers and the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI) has laid the framework. If we do not begin to look at the threats against our institutions by people who are aggrieved, violently inclined, or mentally ill, then we will likely see more of this kind of crime.

Court Unlikely to Halt 'Nude' Airport Body Scanners

Court Unlikely to Halt ‘Nude’ Airport Body Scanners – Threat Level
A federal appeals court on Thursday appeared unlikely it would block the use and ongoing deployment of the so-called “nude” airport body scanners, which the government maintains are necessary to protect the airways from terrorists.

Radicalization Hearing Gets Emotional

Emotions Run High in Congressional Hearing on Radicalization New York congressman Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, defended the hearing as a necessary examination of terrorists’ attempts to recruit Muslims living in the U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison vehemently objected to Mr. King’s approach, saying individuals are responsible for instances of terrorism.

Muslim 'radicalization' hearing a success, say Rep. Peter King, Republicans

Muslim ‘radicalization’ hearing a success, say Rep. Peter King, Republicans – LA Times
Rep. Peter King and his fellow Republicans in the House declared their much-criticized hearing into Muslim “radicalization” in America a success, even as detractors slammed it as an “outrage” and “reality TV.”

Has U.S. Already Begun Censoring the Internet?

Has U.S. Already Begun Censoring the Internet? – Yahoo News Commentary
With Middle East countries in turmoil the subject of Internet censorship has been a major focal point of the civil unrest. The civil protests and unrest in the Middle East were dubbed the “Twitter Revolution” or the “Facebook Revolution” by many reporters and media outlets.

TSA Launches Air Cargo Security Initiatives

TSA Launches Air Cargo Security Initiatives – HSToday
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (APAQ) has declared war on US aviation, asserted John Sammon, the cargo security point man at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), in a House hearing Wednesday.

Kari Ansari: The Muslim Family Response to Hatred

Kari Ansari: The Muslim Family Response to Hatred Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Chair of the Homeland Security Committee of the House of Representatives, is holding McCarthy-like Congressional hearings beginning this Thursday on the “Radicalization of American Muslims.” Quite a bit of the proposed witness list has looked like a who’s who of Islamophobes, and we […]