If California Favors Pot Legalization, the DOJ Should Sue – Chris Battle (usnews.com)
Why not, California’s leading political lights ask, induce a lot more people get high as a way to pay off the state debt?
In November, Californians will vote on the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, also known as Proposition 19. If passed, California will be the first state in the union to legalize marijuana outright.
California has already legalized what they call, uh, “medical” marijuana–which, unsurprisingly, finds need from “patients” with just about every ailment under the sun–from agoraphobia to asthma. (Yes, asthma. Who knew ingesting smoke into your lungs could be so good for respiratory disease?) In other words, find any wacko to write you a prescription for just about anything and you are on your groovy way. (Never mind that the medical community has stated there is no scientific evidence to support the argument that smoking pot has any medicinal value.)
So Prop. 19 is merely the latest step in the utterly predictable march of the legalization lobby. Get in the door with bogus but sympathetic arguments about the medicinal value of marijuana, then push for outright legalization.
All of this, of course, runs counter to federal law, which makes marijuana an illegal substance. And this has a lot of folks asking: If this administration is willing to sue the state of Arizona because it has passed a law on immigration that is allegedly at odds with federal law, why is it not applying the same standard to illicit drugs?

Read full article: If California Favors Pot Legalization, the DOJ Should Sue – Chris Battle (usnews.com)
Chris Battle