
Last week, we talked terrorism at the Heritage Foundation. The event featured some of our recent empirical research on terrorist trends and also served as the release of the work by the foundation’s Counterterrorism Task Force, “A Counterterrorism Strategy for the ‘Next Wave.'”

Plot spoiler—here is what we concluded. Are we safer than we were on 9/11? Yes. Are we safe? No, there are still terrorists out there trying to kill us. Are we going to be safer in the future? No, the administration is moving towards the wrong counterterrorism strategy, one that will allow al Qaeda to rebound and be as deadly as before. The report finds, “The President’s strategy cedes the initiative to America’s enemies and provides them the opportunity to reconstitute both their moral and physical assets.” The report argues for an alternative strategy.

  • Rmurray1972

    Until the organizational climate and culture at DHS improves, little in the way of an alternative and comprehensive strategy that seizes rather than cedes the initiative is possible, let alone achievable.

  • Afshin_220

    what is the next wave?