


Benazir Bhutto: Freedom's Martyr

If Pakistan continues to falter in its nascent steps toward democracy; if its government continues to arbitrarily jail leading citizens and silence an independent media; if it continues to focus its security measures against legitimate political opponents and civic leaders rather than the violent extremists and terrorists; then the resulting discontent and repression will make it that much easier to recruit and motivate more terrorists. And if the rule of law and the justice system collapse, and they are teetering on the edge now, then the terrorists will surely operate with even greater freedom and efficiency.

Bhutto's Murder A Sad Day for Democracy

Speaking after the bombing attack on her life when she first returned, she told me that, yes, she was afraid of the assassins bent on killing her, she was afraid of being arrested again, but that she was more afraid of what was happening to her country and she was determined to restore freedom and safety in this land of her children.

Private Sector Improves Engagement in Disaster Response

Today and tomorrow, I have the privilege of chairing the Second Annual National Congress for Secure Communities. The National Congress brings together representatives from the federal, state and local government sector with representatives of the private, educational, non-profit, public health and emergency responder sectors to share ideas and develop best practices for community preparedness. I look forward to reporting to our readers on Security Debrief the lessons and outcomes generated during the National Congress over the next days.

Immigration Laws Need to Be Enforced

I compare my experience in enforcing our nation’s immigration laws to pushing a broken-down car up a hill. Once you get a little momentum forward, it starts to roll backwards.

The job of enforcing our immigration statutes gets even harder when employers shirk their responsibilities to verify the employment eligibility of their workers, when advocacy groups run to the media sensationalizing the plight of the unauthorized worker, when Members of Congress send in scathing letters on behalf of their constituencies challenging DHS actions and now when states implement laws preventing cooperation with DHS.

Reducing Cocaine Sentencing Disparity Was the Right Move

As the former head of the DEA, I applaud the decision of the U.S. Sentencing Commission to reduce the disparity and unfairness between penalties for convictions associated with crack cocaine and powder cocaine. I have been a long time advocate for reducing the 100 to 1 disparity on sentencing of crack and powder cocaine convictions because it offends the high principle of equal treatment under the law.

Homeland Security or Wildlife Security – Chertoff Decides

With all due respect to our friends championing the green cause and saving our planet, it sometimes seems as though their fight treats other, equally worthy issues too dismissively. Take, for example, this new lawsuit brought against DHS Secretary Chertoff. The complaint alleges that the REAL ID act is unconstitutional because it gives the secretary the authority to void any law that would impede construction of a border fence. Defenders of Wildlife filed this suit after Chertoff voided laws that would force an environmental impact survey of plans to build the fence across the San Pedro River. They argue that striking a law is the same as changing it, which thereby violates the principle of separation of powers.

Townsend's Tenure Shows Need for Separate Advisory Roles

Fran Townsend did an exceptional job in a very difficult position for the President as his Homeland Security Advisor. One area of debate has been whether the U.S. should have the office of the Homeland Security Advisor merged with the office of the National Security Advisor so that homeland security work is done under the leadership of the NSA. I think that would be a step backward. It would be difficult for one key advisor to concentrate on international challenges like we’re seeing in Pakistan with Musharraf and Bhutto versus the homeland security challenges that we face domestically.

Debate Over Detainees at GITMO Raises Larger Issue

There is a need for Americans to redirect the debate over GITMO, since an answer that involves merely closing the facility in Cuba does not mean that a similar compound here in the United States would be immune to criticism. Instead, the focus at the heart of the debate over Guantanamo should be on how the U.S. government treats its detainees and how we prosecute the war on terrorism. If America succeeds in this respect, location will prove to be an ancillary concern.

Pakistan Deserves Leadership With Legitimacy

While Pakistan has been a loyal if sometimes hesitant ally of the United States under the leadership of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, his misjudgments of late — including his transparent effort to maintain political power even if by force of arms against legitimate political opposition such as Benazir Bhutto — have eroded his support among the public. In order for Pakistan to sustain a long-term fight against terrorism, there must be a leader with a public mandate.