

Critical Infrastructure

And The Truth Shall Set You Free…

The news that Vice President Dick Cheney has been hard at work censoring congressional testimony broke the same day the Administration announced it was lifting the Executive Order banning offshore drilling, making it a red-letter day for polluters everywhere! That said, the sooner people recognize that ‘the environment’ is a security issue, the better.

Carafano to testify on risk management before Homeland Security Committee

Security Debrief Contributor Dr. James Carafano will testify before the House Homeland Security Committee on the topic of ensuring a national risk management framework for homeland security.

Worrisome Signs in Advance of the Political Conventions

Responsible and effective public order activities will be evidenced by the proactive policing of order, rather than the reactive policing of disorder. What is increasingly looking like the inability on the part of Denver to engage with the protesters and include them in the planning process rather than alienating them does not bode well for proactive policing of order.