


Water Security Expert Vance Taylor on Critical Infrastructure Hacking Incidents

Since news broke last week about a suspected cyber attack on an Illinois water utility, media, government and industry have probed the ramifications for U.S. critical infrastructure protection (CIP). Though DHS and FBI later found no attack had occurred, the incident does highlight vulnerabilities in the way utilities are secured against cyber threats. To understand these complex issues, reporters turned to water security expert, Catalyst Partners principal and Security Debrief contributor Vance Taylor.

Terrorists Embrace Internet Fraud to Fund Operations

By Rob Strayer
It is an unfortunate modern reality that cyber attacks are commonly used to steal money from businesses and individuals. Cyber attacks that disrupt or destroy physical assets, on the other hand, have been rare up to this time. The news over the weekend that a terrorist organization was able to finance its activities by hacking AT&T business customers’ telecommunications accounts represents a new and disturbing development in the use of cyber attacks by terrorists.

A Stark Reminder – Cyber Threats Are Real

As happy/relieved as I am to know that the Russians aren’t out to disrupt our water services, it is important to note that a water system in South Houston was the victim of a real cyber attack. (You’ll recall it occurred in direct response to DHS downplaying of the reported situation in Illinois).The would-be attack, and the actual one, are stark reminders that the threat of cyber attacks are real.

Water Plant Hack – Real Concern or Red Herring?

I have read several articles on the recent water plant cyber intrusion that damaged a pump in a small utility firm’s facility in Illinois. I am not a digital forensics analyst, but I do find the reactions very interesting. Frankly, I don’t know what the Water Plant incident really means, but at this point neither does anyone else. Can we afford to dismiss it, even if it turns out to be amateur hackers? I have said this before; the sky is not falling! However, we still need to up our vigilance and recognize that we have enormous vulnerabilities and competent adversaries.

Is There A Doctrine In The Cyber House?

The last several months in D.C. have witnessed a series of Executive Orders, proposed legislation, bureaucratic action and public bickering over how to “defend” cyberspace. This dividing up of provinces of responsibility in cyberspace is interesting. It is a lovely 20th century way of dealing with a 21st century problem. Setting boundaries in the boundless frontier. Those seeking to harm cyberspace must be laughing up their collective sleeves or Guy Fawkes masks.

Clarke Playing Cassandra Again Over Cyber

Richard Clarke is at it again. In a conference this week, he stridently appealed to the audience. He warned that the President aught not consider going to war any time in the near future. This because our cyber capabilities are so weak and America’s enemies are sure to use cyber attacks against us. Dick Clarke is a competent and farsighted man who has served this Nation long and well. Why does he seem to relish wallowing in hyperbole? We are NOT boxed in by our cyber insecurities to the point of having no options.

Son of Stuxnet – What Does Duqu Mean?

The recently identified “Duqu” worm has raised a whole new set of issues. Seemingly a variant of the Stuxnet malware that got so much of the world’s attention, everyone is trying to figure out what it “means.” Stuxnet opened a new window, and Duqu is only the first of many. The rub is, unlike Stuxnet, which targeted Iranian centrifuges, Duqu may be coming directly at you and your systems.

It’s Time for Trusted Computing

In this era of budget austerity, telework is an effective way to reduce agency costs and increase productivity. Recognizing these benefits, federal agencies have implemented telework policies and an increasing number of employees are taking advantage of the option. At the same time, however, teleworking presents significant security challenges. Agencies can reduce telework risks through the use of Trusted Computing.

DHS – Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation’s Infrastructure

DHS – Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation’s Infrastructure : Homeland Security News The hacker collective known as Anonymous has expressed interest in hacking industrial systems that control critical infrastructures, such as gas and oil pipelines, chemical plants and water and sewage treatment facilities, according to a Department of Homeland Security bulletin. But DHS doubts the […]

After Stuxnet, a rush to find bugs in industrial systems

After Stuxnet, a rush to find bugs in industrial systems – Feature – Kevin Finisterre isn’t the type of person you expect to see in a nuclear power plant. With a beach ball-sized Afro, aviator sunglasses and a self-described “swagger,” he looks more like Clarence Williams from the ’70s TV show “The Mod Squad” […]