


Staying Busy With Cybersecurity Events

The cyber conference world continues to grow. There are several dozen cyber-specific events in the next few weeks. This is indicative of a couple things. First, it shows the entire cyber field is still growing unabated and that we are taking it seriously, and second, it shows that lots of conference builders are riding the train. For my part, I’ll be participating in some upcoming cyber events this month.

Despite the Risks, Social Media is Here to Stay

Many are still fighting what they see as the “good fight” to keep social media (Facebook, Twitter and their ilk) banned from enterprise computer networks. But I’m a security guy. Why am I defending social media when nearly everyone who has any knowledge of this subject says they introduce potential vulnerabilities into networks? It is because I am also a realist. Social Media does introduce vulnerabilities, but we are not going to live without it.

DHS probing Sony PlayStation network attack

DHS probing Sony PlayStation network attack – NextGov
The Homeland Security Department, charged with protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure, is helping to mitigate the damage from a breach of customer account data on Sony’s online video game and entertainment networks that could have affected 77 million users, DHS officials said.

Report: FBI cybersecurity agents often lack necessary skills

Report: FBI cybersecurity agents often lack necessary skills – NextGov
Many of the FBI field agents assigned to combat cyber threats say they do not have enough expertise to do it, according to a new report from the Justice Department’s inspector general.

White House official: Cyber attacks are risk of doing business

White House official: Cyber attacks are risk of doing business – NextGov
The White House official tasked with coordinating the country’s response to cyber threats said Wednesday that the risk of such attacks is often overblown.

Cloudy With Rain – Cybersecurity and Amazon's System Failure

I love watching the latest fool-proof Internet technologies and buzz words come along. Sadly, our homeland security is tied to these new technologies, and we are made more vulnerable as a result. Recently, Amazon quietly admitted there was a failure in their system. A failure, by the way, that mucked up not only their works but plenty of others as well.

Critical Infrastructure in Danger – Industry Confronts a Changing Cyber Threat

This past week, McAfee, in conjunction with CSIS, released a report titled, “In the Dark: Crucial Industries Confront Cyberattacks” at the National Press Club. The threats to control systems and other critical infrastructure are severe and changing and while words have been expended on the subject, precious little action to actually protect it has been taken. The report revealed this and other insights.

Getting Cyber-Serious? – FBI Targets Botnet

The FBI has been trumpeting an apparently unprecedented action – obtaining a court order from U.S. District Judge Vanessa Byrant permitting taking over servers that had been communicating with a “botnet” called Coreflood, a malicious software that infects Microsoft windows-based computers. Coreflood is designed to steal usernames, passwords and financial information.

Cybersecurity Bill Slow To Materialize In House, Counsel Says

Cybersecurity Bill Slow To Materialize In House, Counsel Says – HSToday
The House of Representatives has no timetable for taking up cybersecurity legislation, said the senior counsel to the House Homeland Security Committee Tuesday, and the chamber would not be likely to take up a prominent Senate bill in its current form due to its costs.

US And EU Plan Joint Cybersecurity Exercise This Year

US And EU Plan Joint Cybersecurity Exercise This Year – HSToday
US Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano met with leaders of the European Union (EU) in Hungary last week to discuss ways of deepening cooperation between the US and EU on cybersecurity issues and strategy.