


Cyberspace – The Final, Final Frontier

The opening of the the original Star Trek TV series began with a statement – “space, the final frontier.” In the beginning of the 21st century, America is coming to grips with another new frontier – the final, final frontier of cyberspace. America’s government, dominant as a 20th century nation state, is still coming to grips with the dangers of this space. And its actions, so far, have been a tangled mess. We seem adrift in where we are and what we should do.

Obama admin to unveil secure online ID strategy Friday

Obama admin to unveil secure online ID strategy Friday – Hillicon Valley
The Obama administration will unveil its strategy for creating a marketplace in secure online credentials on Friday at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Shutdown Would Delay Obama Cyber Reforms

Shutdown Would Delay Obama Cyber Reforms – Cybersecurity Report
Work on a White House legislative proposal for cybersecurity reform would be delayed by a government shutdown, Obama administration officials told senators.

Defense funding for cybersecurity is hard to pin down

Defense funding for cybersecurity is hard to pin down – NextGov
How much does the military plan to spend on cybersecurity next year? The answer depends on whom you ask and when.

Pentagon seeks $3.2 billion for revised cyber budget

Pentagon seeks $3.2 billion for revised cyber budget – NextGov
Protecting military networks in fiscal 2012 would cost nearly $1 billion more than the Pentagon publicly reported last month, an increase that reflects the growing number of programs being re-categorized as cybersecurity-related, agency officials said.

The Reality of Trying to Hire Some of the Best for DHS

Around a year ago, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano made a public pledge that DHS would be hire 1,000 or so cybersecurity experts over the next three years. That DHS fell well short of that target number is no surprise. Besides trying to attract some of the smartest, technically versed and potentially highest paid workers out there, the secretary is saddled with a personnel system that even Kim Jong Il of North Korea would reject as a problematic disaster. If the system continues to fail as it is now, the secretary should raise holy hell to make the machinery move faster.

A Third Cybersecurity Tribe – Social Scientists

Last week, I wrote about the two main tribes that face off against each other when we discuss or try to do cybersecurity. These are the Wooly Headed Wonks and the Propeller Headed Geeks. But if the Wonks are mainly lawyers and political science/international relations types, there is a sub-tribe of behavioral social scientists. America and her allies have the people to deal with the challenges of cybersecurity; we simply need to get them all in harness and pulling together.

Terrorists' Use Of Internet, Problems Combating It Detailed In Congressional Report

Terrorists’ Use Of Internet, Problems Combating It Detailed In Congressional Report – HSToday
A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report released last week, Terrorist Use of the Internet: Information Operations in Cyberspace, “describes the ways that international terrorists and insurgents use the Internet strategically and tactically in pursuit of their political agendas.”

Former NSA, CIA Chief: Declassify Cyber Vulnerabilities

Former NSA, CIA Chief: Declassify Cyber Vulnerabilities – Wired Threat Level
The former head of America’s most powerful and secretive intelligence agencies thinks the U.S. government classifies too much information on cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Mobile Security – Sophisticated Malware on Your Smart Phone

The vast expansion of mobile computing capabilities and usage has enormous benefits but down sides as well. Most folks fail to understand that their smart phones and tablets are every bit as much computers as their laptops, and they are just as vulnerable to attack and exploitation. The bad guys have always targeted what was easy or what was lucrative. PC’s are easy; smart phones are lucrative.