


New Session Could Be Cybersecurity's Chance to Shine

New Session Could Be Cybersecurity’s Chance to Shine – CQ Homeland Security
With the dawn of the new congressional session, experts say all the components are aligning for private sector companies to get what they want from cybersecurity legislation — incentives and leeway, without much regulation.

Cyber Market Poised to Grow in 2011

The Cyber Market writ large is well over $15 billion. Despite the seemingly well-informed and well-intentioned efforts of the Obama Administration, the large contracts (or lots of medium sized ones) most of the experts thought would begin to flow in 2010 quite simply did not happen. I expect this to break lose this year.

Customs Chief Defends Seizure Of Domain Names

Customs Chief Defends Seizure Of Domain Names – Tech Daily Dose
The head of the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency Tuesday defended his agency’s aggressive efforts to combat online piracy and counterfeiting by seizing Internet domain names.

Fears of cyberwar exaggerated: report

Fears of cyberwar exaggerated: report – Homeland Security Newswire
When the writer of a notorious book for hackers says we should stop panicking about cyberwar, it is probably time to sit up and take notice.

International cybersecurity treaty might not be achievable, report says – Nextgov

International cybersecurity treaty might not be achievable, report says – Nextgov An international treaty to establish regulations for computer security might be unattainable, according to a new report by the EastWest Institute think tank. “It could take years to arrive at a global treaty on cybersecurity, since many states are not ready for it — […]

The New Politics of Homeland Security

In Washington, some things never change. There are and always will be vigorous debates about policies, programs and of course money. What does change are the names and faces of the people who make many of those decisions, and unless you’ve totally tuned out on the comings and goings in town, here’s a rundown of some things you should know.

Leahy Sets Cyber Privacy Agenda

Leahy Sets Cyber Privacy Agenda – NextGov
Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, on Tuesday unveiled an ambitious agenda for changing the country’s privacy laws to keep pace with the digital age.

Obama to hand Commerce Dept. authority over cybersecurity ID

Obama to hand Commerce Dept. authority over cybersecurity ID – CNET
President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today.

U.S.-Qatar pact aims to strengthen aviation screening

U.S.-Qatar pact aims to strengthen aviation screening – NextGov
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and the Qatar government have reached an accord on information sharing that includes coordinating cybersecurity and body scanning strategies to thwart al Qaeda, according to a letter of intent released on Tuesday.

Cyber Predictions for 2011

Looking ahead in cyber, I have written some predictions for the actors, events and threats in 2011. Though we have not yet had a major cyber event in the United States, my gut says it’s coming. Here are five other major events we can expect in the coming year.