


New Cyber Strategy Out Soon

New Cyber Strategy Out Soon – DOD Buzz
It’s gotten very little coverage in the media, but the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security tried last week to fix one of the biggest gaps in cyber protection for the United States by trying to ensure coverage of both military and government web sites.

NSA's Newest Recruiters – Cartoon-Leopard Twins

NSA’s Newest Recruiters- Cartoon-Leopard Twins – Wired Danger Room
Dudes and dudettes: You know what’s totally radical? Reading your neighbors’ e-mail! So don’t you wanna be a junior National Security Agency deputy? If so, the surveillance and cryptology crew at NSA has the right online companions for you: Cy and Cyndi, a pair of anthropomorphic snow leopards now kickin’ it with the CryptoKids, the Puzzle Palace’s team of cartoon animal hackers.

Fujitsu Develops Inter-cloud Data Security Technology

Fujitsu Develops Inter-cloud Data Security Technology – Homeland Security Newswire
Kawasaki, Japan-based Fujitsu Laboratories announced the development of security technology that enables confidential data to be safely shared among different computing clouds.

Power Companies Need Better Threat Intelligence, Group Finds

Power Companies Need Better Threat Intelligence, Group Finds – CQ Homeland Security
Of all the industries considered “critical infrastructure,” perhaps none is so accustomed to recovering from disasters as the electricity sector. Power companies are well-versed in restoring service after storms, hurricanes and earthquakes.

Cyber czar: Threat protection is a shared responsibility

Cyber czar: Threat protection is a shared responsibility – NextGov
The government, individual users and the private sector all play critical roles in protecting the nation against cyber threats, a senior White House official said Friday.

Fifth Generation Warfare – It Is Not About Winning

A week or so ago, I did a post on 5th Generation Warfare (5GW), and it apparently stirred up some interest among the readers of Security Debrief. Given that interest, I thought I would look a little deeper into this subject. My title will probably bother some. Isn’t it always about “winning?” Actually, life would be much simpler if it were. Vince Lombardi’s famous quote (“Winning isn’t everything, it is the ONLY thing.”) works for football but not for 5GW. As much as Americans love a winner, in 5GW it will not be quite so clear cut.

Homeland Security and Defense Business Council Event for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. It is the kick off of a series of major town hall-style meetings around America, headed by the Department of Homeland Security. One can only hope it will jump start the effort to get the nation’s collective attention in a meaningful way. On Wednesday, October 13, the Homeland Security and Defense Business Council will host an afternoon executive event to put focus on this key issue, bringing together a group of senior officials from business and government to discuss ways to improve our cybersecurity posture.

Serious as a Brain Attack

Serious as a Brain Attack – DOD Energy Blog
Recent government and news reports have highlighted the vulnerability associated with our increasingly interconnected world. Hackers have been around since the dawn of Donkey Kong, but the sophistication of today’s complex information technology systems and the vital organisms they control have escalated their importance and the difficulty of protecting them.

Fifth Generation Warfare – A Growing Concept

A new and very interesting concept is growing among a community of dedicated national security professionals. Diplomats, soldiers, law enforcement officers, intelligence operatives, cyber warriors and development specialists are being aided by sociologists, psychologists, and policy academicians. Their unifying concept is that 21st century warfare in the post-9/11 world requires a different viewpoint than what we have applied in the past. This new integrated concept is called Fifth Generation Warfare.

SCADA Worm Found – Stuxnet Shows Control Systems are Hacked

I have spoken recently quite a few times about the possibility of cyber attacks on SCADA systems. Well, now we have had a very high profile one. The Stuxnet worm has infected a large number of PCs involved in industrial control systems. What I do know is that this shows that the so-called experts who have discounted control system attacks as low in likelihood (because they are not fully hooked to the net and because the systems are idiosyncratic) are wrong. It takes a better weapon, and more care to emplace it, but it can be done, and indeed has been.