


Cyber Criminals May be Talented but they are not Superhuman

It is perhaps poetic that many of the “successful” cyber criminals can be and are being hacked in the same ways they attack their legitimate targets. We tend to attribute near god-like cyber powers to these miscreants, when in reality, they write into their software the same kind of weaknesses that they are so good at exploiting. One wonders why law enforcement is not doing more “reverse hacking.” In the same way cops “sting” drug dealers, unscrupulous government officials, and other criminals, they should be attacking cyber criminals.

Cyber Crime Continues to Grow Out of Control

Cyber Crime comes in lots of flavors. It is diverse, sophisticated and expanding everyday. It includes Internet fraud, online banking fraud, a highly developed cyber underground, a growing number of targeted areas, and the “advanced persistent threat,” a term that until recently was classified. It is almost impossible to accurately determine the “cost” of cyber crime, but if we do not get hold of this threat, we are in deep trouble.

A Challenge to the US STRATCOM Commander

At day two of the AFCEA STRATCOM Cyber Security Symposium, I was a member of the Industry Panel. I took a breath and issued my challenge. Our moderator had asked each of the four panelists to make brief opening remarks on the state of industry in the cyber security issue space and to end with a “memorable” bumper sticker. It was my turn to make opening remarks. I went with my strong suit: directness, passion and leadership. I issued a challenge directly to Commanding General of StratCom with the bumper sticker “Make the Public-Private Partnership Real.”

GSA to move e-mail to the cloud

GSA to move e-mail to the cloud – NextGov
The General Services Administration’s move to a cloud-based e-mail system is the start of a significant effort to increase efficiency governmentwide, according to an analyst from the Washington-based Brookings Institution. GSA last week issued a request for proposals for a “software as a service” e-mail and collaboration system.

NSA's Meyerricks Addresses Cyber Audience

At the Defense Daily Cyber Summit today, Dawn Meyerricks, Deputy Director for Science and Technology at NSA stated without hesitation that cyber security is NOT the same as Information Assurance (IA). Many of us gave her hearty “amens.” Meyerricks made numerous other important points, and when questioned on differences between government agency perspectives on cyber, she said differences between various experts were in dire need of resolution.

Survey: Cloud computing to make huge strides by 2020

Survey: Cloud computing to make huge strides by 2020 – NextGov
Mobile computing will outpace desktop technology in the next 10 years if challenges to access, security and interoperability are overcome, according to a study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project released on Friday.

Is Cyber War an International Inevitability?

There is great debate on the possibility, existence, inevitability and reality of Cyber War. Some say we are in the midst of one everyday. Others say that this is just technologically enabled espionage, nowhere near a “war.” Those that think this is all a tempest in a teapot were dealt a blow recently when it was revealed that a special NATO Commission led by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is warning that the next aggression against a NATO member country will probably come via the cyber realm.

What comes around goes around – DHS is getting it right, again

I was delighted to read in last week’s Homeland Security Newswire report on Secretary Napolitano’s consideration of “re-merging” the Infrastructure Protection and Cyber Security units. When we stood up DHS in 2003, Secretary Ridge charged the Office of Infrastructure Protection with the responsibility for both physical and cyber infrastructure protection. It made sense then as it does now. Securing a physical structure while leaving it vulnerable to a cyber attack can have the same catastrophic result as could a car bomb.

Botnets Continue to Grow

More and more people are becoming aware of Botnets and the problems they can cause. What used to be an esoteric technical subject has entered the common vernacular, and well it should. The size and complexity of these zombie computer networks is staggering. Many have over a million personal computers as “members.” Obviously the vast majority of these have been incorporated without the knowledge or consent of the owners. The bottom line is this: you must be aware that Bots are out there, and they “want” your computer.

Each Service Sees Cyber a Little Differently

Now that Congress has finally confirmed Gen. Keith Alexander for his fourth star and the duty of Commander, US Cyber Command, he has a tough road ahead. Cyber Command will be a sub-unified command under U.S. Strategic Command. It is not an intelligence organization – despite Alexander being dual hated as the Director of the National Security Agency – but is what the military refers to as a warfighting command. Alexander will have control of components from each of the services. As a Joint Commander, he must blend these elements into a cohesive force to deal with an enormous set of challenges in a unified manner.