


Many More Government Records Compromised in 2009 than Year Ago, Report Claims

Many More Government Records Compromised in 2009 than Year Ago, Report Claims – Government Technology
If you’re bummed about the data in your department that just got breached, you have some cold comfort. Although the combined number of reported data breaches in the government and the military has dropped in 2009 compared to last year, many more records were compromised in those breaches, according to recent figures compiled by a California nonprofit.

NSA Official Addresses AFCEA Solutions Conference

AFCEA International held its two-day Solutions Conference, December 2-3. The original keynote was supposed to be LTG Keith Alexander, the Director of the National Security Agency, and the nominee for a 4th star and command of the newly established U.S. Cyber Command. Instead, he sent one of his very able subordinates from the NSA, Ms. Sherri Ramsey, to address the group at the National Conference Center in Leesburg.

Online Banking Users Still Hooked on Phishing

Online Banking Users Still Hooked on Phishing – eWeek Security Watch
Despite the longstanding efforts of banks and the IT security community to warn end users, specifically people using online banking applications, to beware of phishing schemes, many people who open the e-mails and visiting the phony sites still end up handing over their credentials, researchers claim.

Spammers Spread Trojan with H1N1 E-Mails

Spammers Spread Trojan with H1N1 E-Mails – eWeek Security Watch
Several security vendors are reporting a large malware campaign taking advantage of interest in H1N1 vaccinations.

IBM Addresses Cyber Security at the State and Local Level

IBM hosted a Cyber Security Leadership Summit in Boston on November 18. It was interesting for someone like me (who is constantly immersed in the Washington discussions on cyber issues) to hear cyber security discussed as a local issue. For these folks, it is not an intellectual or philosophical discussion; it is not even the grand strategic problem we normally hear about in DC. It is a tactical and completely real issue that has implications for people whose faces these men know.

A Different Slant on Cyber Security

A recent article in Congressional Quarterly’s Homeland Security edition looked into a very different aspect of our government’s cyber security efforts. CQ visited the Cyber Crimes Center belonging to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The article relayed that even DHS officials are surprised when they visit the center and discover that a cyber security organization in DHS is not involved with infrastructure protection, hackers and related issues.

Senate Judiciary Addresses Cyber Security Status

On November 17, the Senate Judiciary Committee took up the subject of cyber security. An FBI witness said his organization considers “the cyber threat to our nation to be one of the greatest concerns of the twenty-first century.” He later said that cyber-based attacks and high tech crime were the FBI’s highest criminal priority.

ID Management and Online Transactions at the U.S. Chamber

The U.S. Chamber held another meeting in the very helpful series of exchanges between Business and Government. The event focused on the nascent strategy for securing online transactions and was sponsored by two of the Chamber’s internal organizations: the National Security Task Force and the Telecommunication and E-Commerce Committee. The government participants were Tom Donahue and Ely Kahn, the Directors for Cyber Policy on the National Security Staff. On the Business side, besides a good presence form the Chamber itself, there were representatives from Telecoms big and small.

Cyber Personal Hygiene is Not Sexy, but It Works!

Cyber security continues to be a hot topic. October was Cyber Security Month, and it was filled with conferences, academic discussions, and bold pronouncements by industry groups and individual firms. In my mind, we are forgetting a key element, and the one attempt to address it was lost in the noise. A consumer security software company named AVG released a white paper that focused not on their products, but rather, on personal responsibility. Perhaps the public was tired of cyber security by then, perhaps it was just not “cool” enough; I just know it was completely overlooked.

Global Cyber Company AVG Stresses Importance of Safe Online Shopping

Here at Adfero Group, I’ve been working with AVG and who are teaming in a series of social media strategies aimed at spreading the word about how to shop safely online while finding the best bargains of the holiday season. Over the past few months, AVG, a global cyber company, initiated a dialogue here in Washington, D.C., to stress the importance of individual responsibility in cyber security.