


Obama's Cyber Action Plans

The long awaited release of the President’s Cyber Policy Review on 29 May has been and will continue to be studied by all who are concerned with the issue of Cyber Security. If one wants to dive straight to the heart of the report, it is best to go directly to Chapter VI: Action Plans

Current State of the Policy Debate

There are three major areas of challenge for the Government and the Nation as we confront cyber security. All three of these challenges are acknowledged the 29 May report, and the President’s remarks. They constitute the crux of the cyber policy debate today. How has the Obama Administration chosen to address them? A quick review of the new policy provides the beginning look and where they want to go.

Beers: DHS will not lose cybersecurity authority

Nominee: DHS won’t lose cybersecurity authority — Federal Computer Week Rand Beers, the nominee for undersecretary of the Homeland Security Department’s National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), testified today that Obama administration officials told him the White House’s new cybersecurity coordinator will not undercut DHS’ role. “There was no realignment of roles and missions of […]

Right Words, Missing Ingredient

Last Friday, the President confirmed what has been an open secret for months: America is getting a Cyber Czar. Though all the right words were spoken and all the right reasons were given, the newly created position is missing the essential ingredient that makes the powers that be in Washington really pay attention: the power of the purse.

DHS Announces Key Cybersecurity Personnel

DHS: Secretary Napolitano Announces Key Cybersecurity Personnel U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced today appointments for two key cybersecurity posts at the Department—Greg Schaffer as Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications (CS&C); and Bruce McConnell as Counselor to the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Deputy Under Secretary. In addition, Deputy […]

CYBER SECURITY: The Starting Gun Has Sounded

On 29 May 2009, President Obama released the results of his initial 60 Day review of Cyber Security policies. This long awaited release was accompanied by a Presidential address and a great deal of anticipation. We were all so excited that many saw the report’s release as having metaphorically crossed the finish line. In fact, it was only the sound of the starter’s gun.

Obama's Cybersecurity Speech: Why Bother?

Obama’s Cybersecurity Speech: Why Bother? – Swampland – It was a case of cyber-hooey and cyber… who? After a 60-day review of the nation’s cybersecurity policies, followed by a six-week turf war over which department should guard the nation in cyberspace, President Obama’s speech today was disappointingly long on generalities by short on specifics.

Obama's Cybersecurity Speech

Schneier on Security: Obama’s Cybersecurity Speech I am optimistic about President Obama’s new cybersecurity policy and the appointment of a new “cybersecurity coordinator,” though much depends on the details. Centralizing security responsibilities has the downside of making security more brittle by instituting a single approach and a uniformity of thinking. Unless the new coordinator distributes […]

Taking on the tough issues: Federal Protective Service Moved out of ICE

An important decision is revealed in the dense budget language of the DHS 2010 budget: the decision to move the Federal Protective Service (FPS) out of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and place it in the National Protection and Program Directorate (NPPD).

U.S. air traffic vulnerable to "serious harm" from cyber attacks

U.S. air traffic vulnerable to “serious harm” from cyber attacks – HS Daily Wire New FAA report: “{U}nless effective action is taken quickly, it is likely to be a matter of when, not if, ATC [air traffic control] systems encounter attacks that do serious harm to ATC operations”