


Security experts debate federal approach to cybersecurity

Security experts debate federal approach to cybersecurity — Federal Computer Week A panel of experts testifying before a Senate committee today agreed that the country’s cybersecurity is inadequate and needs to be fixed. What they did not agree on — and subsequently left for the senators to resolve — is how to organize and oversee […]

Great Exchanges in the Senate Cyber Hearing

While the debate on the future of cyber security has been underway for some time, one of the world’s great deliberative bodies, the US Senate (in the form of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee) brought an elevated and informed discussion in today’s hearing, “Cyber Security: Developing a National Strategy.”

U.S. already at war in cyberspace, experts say

U.S. already at war in cyberspace, experts say — Government Computer News SAN FRANCISCO — Cyber warfare is a reality, and the United States already has been engaged by a number of adversaries, a panel of experts said today at the RSA Security Conference. “There is no question we are in the midst of a […]

Cyberspies threaten U.S. power grid (video)

NBC News reports on threats to US power grid.

The Second Most Powerful Position on the Planet – Part 1

As outlined in the various media reports, the cyber czar’s reach would extend beyond the public sector sphere of influence into the private sector and have the ability (and authority) to shut cyber networks down if an attack on them is underway. With oversight over the various federal budgets, programs and policies in these areas, as well as cybersecurity standards for the public and private sectors,

Large defense contractors look for cyber-security business

Large defense contractors look for cyber-security business – HS Daily Wire Cyber attacks on U.S. government networks and private companies have grown exponentially; the result is a vast increase in the attention paid to, and money spent on, cyber security; the biggest U.S. military contractors are counting on winning billions of dollars in work to […]

Cyber News—Maybe Not so Good

Rather than trying to do “everything” about “everything” Washington would be better served by focusing on developing core competencies that would make it and keep it as a “player” in the cyber-world.

Homeland Security information security improves

Six years after the Homeland Security Department started operations, integrating the information technology systems of its 22 formerly separate agencies remains a primary, ongoing information security project for DHS’ senior leadership.

Outsider to Run Cyber-Security Initiative

Silicon Valley entrepreneur Rod Beckström has been chosen to run a new National Cyber Security Center, a key component of a secretive government effort to secure vulnerable government and private computer networks, according to former administration officials familiar with the matter.

Cyber Security & Waiting for Godot

Cyber attacks of computer systems and telecommunication networks are highly developed and increasingly used as a way to gain an advantage in the commercial sector, as well as a viable tool for terrorists seeking to cause economic destruction and ways to fund their operations. As business trade secrets and customer information become more vulnerable, it is clear that the public can wait no longer for cyber security standards.