


Army's Fort Hood Report Draws Criticism

Army’s Fort Hood Report Draws Criticism – The IPT Blog
Leaders of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee are blasting an Army report into failures leading up to last year’s Fort Hood shooting massacre by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan.

Governors Group Publishes Guide to State Homeland Security

Governors Group Publishes Guide to State Homeland Security – HSToday
In the wake of last week’s elections, the National Governors Association (NGA) Monday released a handbook to guide newly elected state governors through setting up and managing state homeland security operations.

For King, 'Securing the Cities' Program Still a Priority

For King, ‘Securing the Cities’ Program Still a Priority – CQ Homeland Security
The debate between New York-area representatives and the Department of Homeland Security over funding for a radiation sensor deployment program known as “Securing the Cities” seems poised to continue in the 112th Congress, as one of the initiative’s most vocal backers announced Monday that it is still on his priority list.

Chicago Bomb Plot: International Cooperation Is Not Cost Free

Chicago Bomb Plot: International Cooperation Is Not Cost Free – Counterterrorism Blog
International cooperation is key in fighting international terrorism – this has been a theme of U.S. government counterterrorism statements and talking for decades. This concept was underscored by the thwarting two weeks ago of a terrorist plot to ship two bomb-laden packages to the United States, with the apparent intention of blowing them up over an American city or upon delivery to Jewish institutions in Chicago.

The Real New Middle East Order – Part III – "Israel Security at Risk"

In part II of this series, we focused on Oil Security and the regional developments that shaped the environment leading to the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States. In this part, we will explore the root causes for the instability in the environment affecting Israel Security and shaking its foundations and consider the lessons learned from past U.S. actions in the Middle East.

Al Qaeda Cleric Awlaki Releases Video, Calls for American Killings

Anwar al Awlaki, an American radical Muslim cleric thought to be hiding in Yemen, released a new video in which he calls for Muslims to kill Americans. Here is a clip from ABC news discussing Awlaki’s video.

Lessons from abroad – Countering terrorism in Japan – Part III (on the methods)

When one thinks of Japan, popular American images that come to mind are affordable and reliable automobiles (I drive a Toyota Camry Hybrid), sophisticated electronics and gadgetry (I have an iPod nano), and, to those who have been there, the most advanced toilets in the world (you really have to experience them for yourself). In short, a commonly held view of this island nation-state is one of extraordinarily advanced technological wonder – robots, Shinkansen (bullet trains) and all. I will be the first to admit that these and other images ran through my mind on the direct flight from LAX to Narita; I wondered how such mastery of machines translated to countering terrorism in Japan. The focus on HUMINT and first-line-of-defense reveals the Japanese tendency toward prevention, especially through border control (i.e., garrisoning), in countering terrorism.

Privacy and Wiretapping the Internet

Technology | Academics | Policy – Retaining Privacy for Ordinary Citizens Early this week the Harvard National Security Journal published a forum on Concerns about Wiretapping the Internet. Professor John Palfrey participated in the discussion with a post that addressed meeting law enforcement surveillance needs while respecting the privacy interests of ordinary citizens. The following […]

GOP chairman: Administration has 'refined' approach to counterterrorism

GOP chairman: Administration has ‘refined’ approach to counterterrorism – The Hill Blog Briefing Room
The likely incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said Thursday he thought the Obama administration was coming around on its national-security policies.

The Threat from Yemen: The Mystery of Jabir al Fayfi

In the wake of last month’s near miss with terrorist catastrophe – the successful shipping but failed detonation of PETN bombs – much focus has fallen on improving our cargo security posture, strengthening international scanning techniques and determining just how heavy a hand should fall on Yemen. There are lingering questions, however, about how the initial intelligence was uncovered. The story of Jabir al Fayfi may not be as simple as it seems.