


The 10 Riskiest Cities for Cyber-Crime

The 10 Riskiest Cities for Cyber-Crime – Government Technology
The threat of falling victim to cyber-crime is so ubiquitous today, and some of America’s biggest cities are even more prone than elsewhere in the country, according to a well known producer of cyber-security software.

The Navy Moves Forward on Cyber

I was privileged to attend a super event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on Monday. They hosted Vice Adm. Barry McCullough, Commander of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and U.S. 10th Fleet (both Navy cyber organizations). It was in the main a normal “command brief,” but McCullough’s forthrightness made it much more. McCullough opened his remarks by telling the industry audience that after several months, he is beginning to understand the problem set. He emphasized that anyone who thinks there is a quick technological fix to our cyber challenges is dreaming.

Cyber Criminals: They are no Captain Jack Sparrow!

At a cyber conference last week, one of the panelists raised an intriguing idea – treat cyber criminals and hackers like pirates. When I write “pirates,” I do not mean like swashbuckling rouge heroes, which is a modern conception given to us by Hollywood and literature. I mean the low-life criminals of despicable character to whom the only thing we owe is a quick hanging. This could be administered by the government (law enforcement or military), or by honest merchants, if the malefactor were caught. OK, I don’t think we should break into houses and physically hang every hacker out there, but we could take a cue from our predecessors.

More counties join Secure Communities

More counties join Secure Communities – Homeland Security Newswire
On Tuesday, law enforcement agencies in Union, Brunswick, Columbus, Dare, Halifax, Jackson, Lee and Transylvania counties in North Carolina began employing a new information-sharing capability that modernizes the process used accurately to identify criminal aliens in the community.

Debating QDR Recommendations for Northern Command

Inside the Pentagon reports there is an important debate taking place over the Pentagon’s plan to downsize U.S. Northern Command forces that are ready to respond to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive (CBRNE) attack on American soil. Rather than prepare brigade-sized CBRNE Consequence Management Response Forces, the Quadrennial Defense Review recommends a larger CCMRF while also moving personnel to ten smaller Homeland Response Forces. Critics argue that full-sized CCMRFs are necessary for a potential WMD event.

Napolitano Resigns? Pelosi Raids ICE Headquarters? Really?

Think you’ve heard it all? We beg to differ. For this special April Fools edition, we’ve collected recent news reports that the rest of the media somehow missed.

Experts Divided on Deradicalization Efforts

Experts Divided on Deradicalization Efforts – CQ Homeland Security
Determining whether deradicalization programs actually work depends on whether the person doing the evaluation believes combating terrorist ideology is a primary or a secondary concern, experts said Friday.

U.S. to Reveal Rules on Internet Security

U.S. to Reveal Rules on Internet Security – NY Times
The Obama administration on Tuesday plans to declassify portions of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, created during the Bush administration as a secret effort to harness the nation’s defensive and offensive strategies for protecting commercial and government networks.

Unmanned drone sought for Texas-Mexico border

Unmanned drone sought for Texas-Mexico border – Congress Daily
House Homeland Security Border Subcommittee Chairman Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, has asked the Homeland Security Department to deploy a new unmanned aircraft along his state’s border with Mexico.

DHS Counter Terrorism Exec Takes Office

DHS Counter Terrorism Exec Takes Office – Information Week
The Department of Homeland Security has a new leader for its efforts to use IT and other means to share intelligence information with state and local law enforcement officials to counter terrorist threats.