


TSA Leaks Sensitive Airport Screening Manual

TSA Leaks Sensitive Airport Screening Manual – Wired
Government workers preparing the release of a Transportation Security Administration manual that details airport screening procedures badly bungled their redaction of the .pdf file. Result: The full text of a document considered “sensitive security information” was inadvertently leaked.

Terrorists Inside U.S. and Planning to Strike, Says DHS Secretary

Terrorists Inside U.S. and Planning to Strike, Says DHS Secretary – Security Management
Home-based terrorists are currently inside the United States and are looking to strike targets here and abroad, the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said in a speech last night.

Many More Government Records Compromised in 2009 than Year Ago, Report Claims

Many More Government Records Compromised in 2009 than Year Ago, Report Claims – Government Technology
If you’re bummed about the data in your department that just got breached, you have some cold comfort. Although the combined number of reported data breaches in the government and the military has dropped in 2009 compared to last year, many more records were compromised in those breaches, according to recent figures compiled by a California nonprofit.

Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year

Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year –
Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009, according to a company manager who disclosed the statistic at a non-public interception and wiretapping conference in October.

Spammers Spread Trojan with H1N1 E-Mails

Spammers Spread Trojan with H1N1 E-Mails – eWeek Security Watch
Several security vendors are reporting a large malware campaign taking advantage of interest in H1N1 vaccinations.

Party-Crashing Salahi Couple Provide a Chance for House Homeland’s Moment in the Sun

It’s been observed by many over this past year that the House Homeland Committee has lost a lot of its ‘umph.’ That will change on Thursday morning and all because of two egocentric, reality TV wannabes who showed up uninvited to places they don’t belong. Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson has called the entire Committee membership together to grill U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan and America’s newest pariahs, Tareq and Micheale Salahi.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? The Secret Service Challenge

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? The Secret Service Challenge – Homeland Security Watch
Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan issued a statement in response to reports that Virginia couple Michaele and Tareq Salahi attended Tuesday’s White House State Dinner, despite the fact that they allegedly did not have invitations.

Wikileaks Says It Has Half-a-Million 9-11 Pager Messages

Wikileaks Says It Has Half-a-Million 9/11 Pager Messages – Wired
The document-leaking site Wikileaks says it’s preparing to release 500,000 intercepted wireless pager messages from a 24-hour period encompassing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

A Different Slant on Cyber Security

A recent article in Congressional Quarterly’s Homeland Security edition looked into a very different aspect of our government’s cyber security efforts. CQ visited the Cyber Crimes Center belonging to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The article relayed that even DHS officials are surprised when they visit the center and discover that a cyber security organization in DHS is not involved with infrastructure protection, hackers and related issues.

Senate Judiciary Addresses Cyber Security Status

On November 17, the Senate Judiciary Committee took up the subject of cyber security. An FBI witness said his organization considers “the cyber threat to our nation to be one of the greatest concerns of the twenty-first century.” He later said that cyber-based attacks and high tech crime were the FBI’s highest criminal priority.