


Pre-emptive security requries intel coordination

Letters – Letter – Security Measures – To the NY Times Editor: Re “No Rest for the Security Weary” (Practical Traveler, Sept. 27), although many security measures are annoying, we haven’t had another terror event in all these years. It is tough to take credit for what hasn’t happened. Better intelligence and coordination, as […]

U.S. Counternarcotics Strategy in Afghanistan

Michael Braun, former Chief of Operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, testified before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control regarding the Taliban’s involvement in drug production and trafficking.

Terror Cases Share Desire to Kill Americans

Two domestic terror investigations each took significant steps forward Wednesday, with a Massachusetts man, already charged with lying to federal investigators, facing the added accusation that he conspired to provide material support to terrorists. About the same time the charge against Tarek Mehanna was announced, an Ohio man was sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring to kill people abroad – including American troops serving in Iraq.

Chertoff cites new statistics highlighting American concerns over cyber privacy and security

Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff spoke at the National Press Club this morning, citing insightful new research: while Americans are highly concerned about the security of their personal data online, 87 percent of Americans do not realize their exposure to online identity threats. He echoed the cyber security theme that current Secretary Janet Napolitano focused on with her remarks yesterday. Because citizens don’t fully appreciate the vulnerabilities, people are failing to take the appropriate precautions to manage or reduce their risk.

Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano Hits a Home Run

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano addressed the public today on Cyber security via a Webcast from the DHS home page. Both her tone and substance was on the mark and badly needed. The Secretary should be congratulated for an appropriate and direct view that recognizes the things we can do today, and the way to go forward.

Legislating Water Security the Hard Way – via Compromise

The House Energy & Commerce Committee is set to markup the Drinking Water System Security Act of 2009 (H.R. 3258) tomorrow. The bill, which would regulate drinking water utilities through a “CFATS-like” regime under the Environemental Protection Agency (EPA), will require utilities to update their vulnerability assessments, develop site security plans, and evaluate their disinfection processes.

Top US Scientist Spying for Israel

Top space scientist Stewart Nozette, who worked for the White House and NASA, has been charged with spying and trying to channel classified information about US nuclear weaponry and national defense to Israel.

A better Idea on Immigration Reform

By Douglas Doan
Don’t look now, but it looks as if we are about to go through another bruising battle on immigration reform. Here’s an idea, let’s do something that would strengthen the country, make us more competitive, and fuel economic growth. It is actually quite easy.

Erroll Southers: Optimism, Bathed In Caution

Erroll Southers, President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration, kicked his new career off in a very encouraging way today at his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Administration Quietly Campaigning for Patriot Act Renewal

Administration Quietly Campaigning for Anti-Terrorism Provisions: CQ Homeland Security The Obama administration is pressuring lawmakers, both publicly and privately, to renew expiring provisions of the anti- terrorism law known as the Patriot Act with as few changes as possible. The Justice Department has nodded to civil libertarians’ concerns about the law’s broad reach with vague […]