


Sticks and Stones

At a time when the economy is in the toilet, when we’re fighting (and perhaps losing) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, when healthcare is becoming a fading memory, and we’ve got to worry about Ahmadinejad trying to get his hands on a nuke with all the fervor of a Wall Street fat-cat chasing down a government bailout, Congress seems more concerned about finding ways to belittle one another than fulfilling the oath to serve.

Intelligence officials suggest Obama advisers downplaying Afghan dangers

Intelligence officials suggest Obama advisers downplaying Afghan dangers | McClatchy As the Obama administration reconsiders its Afghanistan policy, White House officials are minimizing warnings from the intelligence community, the military and the State Department about the risks of adopting a limited strategy focused on al Qaida, U.S. intelligence, diplomatic and military officials told McClatchy. Recent […]

Thai court considering 'Merchant of Death' release

If Americans think we have problems with the recent disruption of a suspected terrorist cell in New York, they haven’t seen anything yet.

Capabilities, Not Uniforms, Are What Matter on the Border

The pursuit of bureaucratic dominance after 9/11 gave us the divorce of counter-terror from counter-crime, creating a duopoly that is massively expensive in terms of money, manpower and effectiveness. Illegal immigration and smuggling are becoming a major focus of manpower, and runs the risk of the same bureaucratic wrangling that sacrifices effect and efficiency in the name of departmental primacy.

The Small Boat Threat In the U.S. Is Real

The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General recently released a report on DHS’ strategy to address small boat threats in U.S. waters. The threat of a small boat attack in the U.S is real and DHS leadership knows that understanding and control of small boat activity in and around the U.S. is key to addressing the small boat terrorism threat.

Cyber Security is Important to Everyone

I had a wonderful opportunity this past weekend to gain some insights into the cyber security priorities and concerns out in the real world – beyond the Beltway and being implemented in real life.

Anticipating What Is Next In Homeland Threats

In the years since September 11, 2001, twenty-four terror plots have been disrupted in the United States. This is top of mind given recent arrests in Denver and New York. What will be next? What should we be anticipating, and, are we managing risk appropriately? It is not just up to the government, what are you doing in your life?

Chief Naval Officer Addresses the Cyber Security Arena

On Oct 1st, the Center for Stragetic and International Studies hosted an address by the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead, looking at the Navy’s initiatives to stay ahead of the challenges of the new cyber domain. Roughead contended that the Navy understands networks, and the challenges we face.

“Too early to speculate” But…

As part of is ongoing outreach on QHSR, DHS hosted another Bloggers Roundtable to talk about the third portion of its homeland security dialogue.
It is too early to speculate, but based on previous behavior at DHS as well as other extensive quadrennial reviews that have occurred elsewhere, it’s fairly obvious at what’s going to happen at the end of the rainbow. Reorganization is in the future and it will have lots of insights, diverse stakeholder inputs, analysis and documentation to guide it.

G-20 Warnings to Pittsburghers

Last night I got an email from Pittsburgh related to the protests that Western Pennsylvania residents can expect to see over the next few days with the G-20 Summit in town. Here’s hoping that everything goes peacefully but I have to ask myself, “Is this event worth the costs to the area?”