


Drug cartels teaming with terrorist groups to exploit border vulnerabilities — intel report – Army Report: Drug Cartels, Terrorists Infiltrate U.S. A secret intelligence mission recently conducted along the southern border of the United States found that drug cartels are teaming with terrorists to exploit the numerous vulnerabilities along the sparsely defended 2,000-mile Mexican border.

Mudd Withdraws as DHS Intelligence Chief

CQ Politics | SpyTalk – Exclusive: Mudd Withdraws as DHS Intelligence Chief (Updated) The White House confirmed this afternoon it was withdrawing Phil Mudd from Senate consideration to be the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence chief. Mudd, a career CIA employee who is currently the head of FBI counterterrorism, said the choice was his.

Obama's Cyber Action Plans

The long awaited release of the President’s Cyber Policy Review on 29 May has been and will continue to be studied by all who are concerned with the issue of Cyber Security. If one wants to dive straight to the heart of the report, it is best to go directly to Chapter VI: Action Plans

Are we more secure with Secure Flight?

Are we more secure with Secure Flight? – Secure Flight doesn’t make the bad guy list any better. It just makes everyone spend more money, and creates more inconvenience. Even if our no fly list contained every terrorist in the world, what about all the new recruits they are bringing on every day? No […]

Napolitano Outlines Vision for DHS under Her Watch

At a luncheon forum at the Aspen Institute this week, Secretary Napolitano outlined her priorities for DHS — focusing on improved intelligence, border security and emergency preparedness.

CYBER SECURITY: The Starting Gun Has Sounded

On 29 May 2009, President Obama released the results of his initial 60 Day review of Cyber Security policies. This long awaited release was accompanied by a Presidential address and a great deal of anticipation. We were all so excited that many saw the report’s release as having metaphorically crossed the finish line. In fact, it was only the sound of the starter’s gun.

Iran: The U.S. Needs a New Strategy

Almost everyone involved in national security affairs, within and outside the government, talks about the threat that Iran poses to U.S. interests in the Middle East. Given this view of the Iranian threat and Iranian’s unabated belligerent behavior, national security policymakers and opinion makers in the United States almost unanimously agree that the past policies of sanction regimes and containment employed by successive U.S. Administrations since 1979 have failed to produce the change in Iranian policies and attitudes towards the United States and the region.

The Dangerous Shift in American Drug Policy

For the first time DOJ has announced a policy of non enforcement when federal drug policy conflicts with state drug policy. The DEA continues to operate without even having a nominee named to lead the agency on a permanent basis, more than 100 days into the new Administration. And now, with the announcement of Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske as the new Drug Czar, the Administration is asserting that it will banish the use of the term “war on drugs.” I fully support greater resources for education and treatment, but those efforts cannot be successful without an equally vigorous law enforcement strategy.

Al Qaeda's online media infrastructure

The NEFA Foundation – Special Reports The NEFA Foundation has released a new interactive chart by NEFA Senior Investigator Evan Kohlmann titled, “Al-Qaida’s Online Couriers: The Al-Fajr Media Center and the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF).” The chart maps out in detail the multi-step process by which multimedia recorded by mujahideen organizations in the field […]

Crime, Terrorism, or Insurgency? A Glimpse at the Niger Delta Conflict

Last month’s annual U.S. State Department Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 made not one single mention of Nigeria’s Niger Delta conflict. This past week, the Nigerian military’s Joint Task Force (JTF) conducted offensive cordon and search operations against the militants of the Niger Delta, including the largest umbrella group known as the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND). The JTF operations were ostensibly in response to the recent series of MEND attacks, which comprised hostage-taking, oil pipeline and vessel attacks, and direct engagements against the Nigerian military. What is occurring in the Niger Delta–crime, terrorism, or insurgency?