


"What Would Happen if Marijuana Were Decriminalized?"

Security Debrief Contributor and former Chief of Operations at the DEA, Michael Braun, recently took part in the New York Time’s online “Freakonomics Blog” where he was asked, “What Would Happen if Marijuana Were Decriminalized?”

Social Media Opens Communications for Terrorists

Homeland Security Today – preparedness and security news – Social Media Opens Communications for Terrorists The general public has very recently embraced the use of new social media applications like Twitter. Oprah Winfrey, for example, turned her fanbase onto the website last month. Traditional newspapers have lit up with stories about how blogs and tweets […]

Pelosi is 30 Months Late too the Waterboarding Party

Karen Hanretty’s Blog » Blog Archive » Pelosi is 30 Months Late too the Waterboarding Party Waterboarding as an interrogation method is nothing new. Knowing that the CIA waterboarded terrorists is nothing new. In fact, knowing that the CIA specifically waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is nothing new. The only thing new in the debate is […]

FBI expands use of social media

FBI expands use of social media — Federal Computer Week The FBI is looking for fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter to expand its ability to share information with millions of social media users. The social media programs supplement other information technology tools the bureau has deployed in recent years to make it easier […]

The Third (and Worst) Deadly Sin: Pride and DHS

Security Debrief Guest Contributor, Douglas Doan, continues his Deadly Sins of DHS series with a look at pride within the fight on securing the border with Mexico.

Jeff Stein on Nancy Pelosi's Tangle with the CIA

CQ Homeland Security One thing you can say about Nancy Pelosi: She’s slow to anger. Put aside the Speaker’s stumbling over what the CIA told her and when about “harsh interrogation techniques.” Let’s say she read about the CIA’s simulated drowning of al Qaeda suspects — two of them 266 times alone — in The […]

TSA Has Completed Key Activities Associated with Implementing Secure Flight, but Additional Actions Are Needed

U.S. GAO – Aviation Security: TSA Has Completed Key Activities Associated with Implementing Secure Flight, but Additional Actions Are Needed to Mitigate Risks Summary To enhance aviation security, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) developed a program–known as Secure Flight–to assume from air carriers the function of matching passenger information against […]

Pelosi Controversy Suggests Changes to Congressional Briefings Are Due

CQ Homeland Security: Pelosi Controversy Suggests Changes to Congressional Briefings Are Due The partisan feuding over what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew and didn’t do about harsh interrogation techniques used during the George W. Bush administration has prompted a debate over Congress’ authority to receive information on or halt classified executive branch programs. Pelosi, D-Calif., […]

Civil Air Patrol's Role in Homeland Security

The House has scheduled a Tuesday vote on a bill (HR 1178) to order an assessment of whether the volunteer Civil Air Patrol can help the Department of Homeland Security with aerial reconnaissance and communications on border security and other operations. It seems only logical that CAP would and should be tasked with providing a similar volunteer airborne reporting service to DHS.

U.S. State Department releases annual terrorism report

Home Station: U.S. State Department releases annual terrorism report for 2008 U.S. law requires the Secretary of State to provide Congress, by April 30 of each year, a full and complete report on terrorism with regard to those countries and groups meeting criteria set forth in the legislation. This annual report is entitled Country Reports […]