

Border Security

Checkpoint intruder shuts down Newark Airport terminal

Checkpoint intruder shuts down Newark Airport terminal | New Jersey News
A man who walked into a secure area triggered a terminal-wide lockdown at Newark Liberty International Airport last night, grounding outgoing planes and forcing several thousands of passengers to wait hours for rescreening, transportation authorities said.

Murders Dropping in U.S. Towns Bordering Mexico

Murders Dropping in U.S. Towns Bordering Mexico | Tickle The Wire Amid all the gloomy and scary news about the Mexican drug cartel violence, comes a little good news. USA Today reports that beefed up law enforcement patrols along the U.S. Mexican border may be helping prevent some of the Mexican drug cartel violence from […]

Terrorists Inside U.S. and Planning to Strike, Says DHS Secretary

Terrorists Inside U.S. and Planning to Strike, Says DHS Secretary – Security Management
Home-based terrorists are currently inside the United States and are looking to strike targets here and abroad, the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said in a speech last night.

New Reports Confirm: Immigrants Help Local Economies

New Reports Confirm: Immigrants Help Local Economies –
A new report released by the Fiscal Policy Institute concludes that immigrants in the United States, regardless of immigration status, contribute to the economy in proportion to their population.

Anniversaries and Remembrances: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

With the news of former TSA Administrator David Stone’s untimely death, two events compressed in my mind: TSA relocating to the Department of Homeland Security with President Bush signing the Homeland Security Act of 2002; and the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. It is my hope that we remember the “right” lessons from these events; that we honor the public servants and private sector folks who work so diligently to make us safer and more secure, and that we are ever vigilant against those who would do us harm.

DNA Sensors Getting Ready to Sniff Out Terrorist Attacks

DNA Sensors Getting Ready to Sniff Out Terrorist Attacks – Homeland Security Outlook
Researchers at the MITRE Corporation are developing genetically engineered bio-sensors, and while they’re still a few years from the marketplace, these sensors promise to be even more accurate than today’s detection devices – and they’ll cost far less.

New bridge opens between New Brunswick, U.S.

New bridge opens between New Brunswick, U.S. – CBC News
A new border bridge opened between St. Stephen, N.B., and Calais, Maine, on Monday, with assurances from border officials that it will end long lineups. There are three lanes to process commercial trucks with drive-through cargo-scanning technology, as well as six bays, allowing cargo to be unloaded, examined and reloaded quickly.

Foreign Repair Stations: The Security Trojan Horse

Recently, the House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on the issue of aircraft foreign repair station security. And while the Committee’s oversight on this issue is commendable, the hearing lacked one important item: an updated risk assessment. This omission, along with the testimony of three union representatives, suggests that security at foreign repair stations continues to be a Trojan horse for some.

Judge Throws Out Child Porn Found By TSA

Judge Throws Out Child Porn Found By TSA –
A federal judge in Hawaii on Tuesday threw out all the evidence against a man caught with child pornography at Hilo Airport. The judge ruled that screeners went too far in searching the man’s luggage.

To Address Border Security Issues, Administration Must Fill Vacancies at Top Agencies

With the spike in border violence, much of it associated with Mexican drug cartels battle with the Mexican government, we have a greater need than ever to fill the positions of the agencies responsible for protecting our borders — from the DEA and ATF to Customs and Border Protection.