

Border Security

A better Idea on Immigration Reform

By Douglas Doan
Don’t look now, but it looks as if we are about to go through another bruising battle on immigration reform. Here’s an idea, let’s do something that would strengthen the country, make us more competitive, and fuel economic growth. It is actually quite easy.

RT = Revived Traveler?

The tortured saga of RT is pretty well known, but during his confirmation hearing Thursday, the nominee for Administrator for the Transportation Security Administration Erroll Southers indicated his strong support for a risk-based Registered Traveler program.

Erroll Southers: Optimism, Bathed In Caution

Erroll Southers, President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration, kicked his new career off in a very encouraging way today at his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Changes Afoot on the Border

This week has been a telling one for those of us who follow border security closely. Congress and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have made a series of bold moves that arguably make our borders less secure. At the same time, the changes will be hailed by some as overdue upgrades to a flawed border management policy that built fences between neighbors and sought to imprison illegal aliens for ‘just’ entering the country.

U.S. Should Drop the "Exit" from Its Entry-Exit System

By Edward Alden

The front page of the New York Times this week has re-launched the debate over whether the United States should finally complete the long promised comprehensive entry-exit system as a tool for preventing terrorist attacks. It should be a short debate: the answer is no. To confront the enormous logistical difficulties of creating a comprehensive entry-exit system for minimal investigative benefits doesn’t make a shred of sense.

DHS strips Sheriff Arpaio of immigration authority

DHS strips Sheriff Arpaio of immigration authority | Immigration | The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has stripped Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of his authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants based solely on their immigration status. But Arpaio said Tuesday he plans to continue his controversial “crime suppression operations,” despite DHS’s decision to […]

Thai court considering 'Merchant of Death' release

If Americans think we have problems with the recent disruption of a suspected terrorist cell in New York, they haven’t seen anything yet.

Capabilities, Not Uniforms, Are What Matter on the Border

The pursuit of bureaucratic dominance after 9/11 gave us the divorce of counter-terror from counter-crime, creating a duopoly that is massively expensive in terms of money, manpower and effectiveness. Illegal immigration and smuggling are becoming a major focus of manpower, and runs the risk of the same bureaucratic wrangling that sacrifices effect and efficiency in the name of departmental primacy.

Cash In Clunkers – smuggling guns, drugs and money across the border

As more drugs and illegal aliens are being smuggled northbound, there has been a similar spike in guns and cash heading south. The same false dashboard compartments and hollowed suitcases that carry contraband into the United States are used to move the cash back into Mexico. With the flood of drugs heading north, and the flood of guns traveling south – and the illicit revenues flowing in both directions – it is disconcerting to realize that, nearly a year into the Obama Administration, there is still no nominee to lead the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. No nominee to take charge of the ATF – the law enforcement bureau responsible for enforcing gun and explosives laws. That the man nominated to head of Customs and Border Protection still waits idly to be confirmed.

Juarez, Mexico, killings reach new high

Juarez, Mexico, killings reach new high – The number of drug-related killings in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, so far this year has reached 1,647, surpassing the death toll for all of 2008, a city spokesman told CNN.Police gather at the rehab facility where 17 people were killed in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, in early September. A […]