

Border Security

AP: Politics impacting funding of DHS port projects

The Associated Press: AP IMPACT: Secret process benefits pet projects Despite Obama’s promises that the stimulus plan would be transparent and free of politics, the government is handing out $720 million for border upgrades under a process that is both secretive and susceptible to political influence. This allowed low-priority projects such as the checkpoint in […]

Cops, not soldiers, should protect our borders

In response to an act-of-war situation, we probably would not want to send a police department to a foreign land. Conversely, sending an Army to handle a police action is probably not a good idea or at least a good use of resources. This brings me to my concern for putting the military on the U.S. borders to handle the immigration issue that faces our nation. It’s a bad idea.

Mexico’s Risky Drug Decriminalization Sends the Wrong Message

Mexico recently took a dramatic step in the war on drugs, decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin. In the midst of battling the drug cartels that grow fat on the profits of drug abuse and addiction, not to mention all of the violent crime that accompanies drug trafficking, the Mexican Government has sent a clear message. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong message. It is the message of surrender.

CBP is failing in its trade mission: What went wrong with the Stimulus?

By Guest Contributor Douglas Doan
President Obama’s stimulus funds to the Department of Homeland Security were designed to improve infrastructure, creating an excellent opportunity to improve our ports-of-entry infrastructure and improve the economy via enhanced trade facilitation. Instead, Customs and Border Protection has used those funds to advance purely enforcement operations. Perhaps CBP should become cBP — or maybe just BP — as customs funding is so often diverted to protection operations.

Air Transport Association Promote Certified Cargo Screening Program

Air Transport Association Says TSA Certified Cargo Screening Program Key to Meeting… | Reuters The Air Transport Association of America (ATA), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, in a letter to air cargo shippers regarding the congressionally mandated August 2010 deadline for 100 percent screening of all cargo on passenger planes, outlined […]

Border Patrol Begins Construction on SBInet Technology on Northern Border

Border Patrol Begins Construction on SBInet Technology on Northern Border – U.S. Border Patrol began construction Wednesday on the deployment of eleven Remote Video Surveillance Sites in the Detroit Sector as part of Customs and Border Protections initiative to enhance the use of technology in securing the northern border against illegal cross-border activity. The […]

Erroll Southers – Right Man for the Right Job

In life you get to meet a lot of people, but there are very few that can do things that are extra-ordinary. Erroll Southers is one of those people. Nominated by the President to be the next Administrator of TSA, he takes on one of the most challenging and public-engaging entities anywhere in government.

The Credibility Gap and WHTI

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), cross border traffic is down 12.5% over the last year. An article in yesterday’s USAToday argued that the implementation of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) – which requires U.S. citizens as well as Canadian and Bermudans to possess a passport or similar document when entering the country – is responsible for the bulk of the decrease.

Terror on the Border: Ciudad Juarez Has an Image Problem

I am told, almost as if by way of explanation, that the people doing the shooting in Juarez are very good at what they do. They kill well. They don’t often miss. This is not collateral damage. The executed can usually be tied to the drug trade. Gang-related, as they say in the United States. Small-time dealers who owe money. The double-crossed. The nasty business of achieving dominance over rivals. Still, that doesn’t account for the judges killed. The law enforcement agents and soldiers. The reporters who cover the killings and who end up resented and dead for the effort. It doesn’t account, exactly, for the 18 murdered in cold blood at the rehab center on September 3rd.

DHS: More than 70 Percent of aliens and contraband successfully cross border

How effective is CBP in keeping U.S. borders safe? – Homeland Security News Wire In fiscal 2008 U.S. Border Patrol officers working at checkpoints that are typically set up along roads and highways 25 to 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border stopped three people “who were identified as persons linked to terrorism,” according to […]