

Border Security

Reigning in ICE partnerships with local law enforcement recieves mixed reviews on Capitol Hill

Homeland Security Today – preparedness and security news – Congressional Reactions to 287(g) Revisions House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson declared that the original program had dangerously morphed “beyond its original boundaries and led to a lack of accountability.” “I am gratified that this committee’s oversight led the Department to revamp the 287(g) program,” […]

New Immigration Reform, Same Old Call for Amnesty

By Jena Baker McNeill
The report recently issued by the Independent Task Force on U.S. Immigration Policy, an immigration reform effort sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, is not the first to tout legalization, and it probably won’t be the last. And while its ‘bi-partisan’ nature is certainly attractive, it doesn’t make legalization anymore than a costly amnesty.

New Curbs Set on Arrests of Illegal Immigrants

New Curbs Set on Arrests of Illegal Immigrants – The Department of Homeland Security said Friday it was revising a program that authorized local police to enforce federal immigration law — a controversial aspect of U.S. border policy. Opponents said the program, known as 287g, was intended to identify criminal aliens but instead has […]

Cities rethink high-tech alert systems

Cities are having second thoughts about alerting residents to natural disasters and catastrophes via their cellphones and computers because of the expense, technological hurdles and whether it’s the best way to warn.

Senate Committee Quashes Obama's Immigration Rollbacks

By Jena Baker McNeil
Sen. Sessions’ amendment to make E-Verify permanent and mandatory is a good step forward in terms of maintaining immigration enforcement efforts.

Security PLUS Facilitation – A Success Story

Beginning on July 29, commercial airline traffic to the US from Shannon airport in Ireland will have the advantage of full preclearance. This is a win-win-win for everyone. Passengers get convenience – they can make their travel plans direct from Shannon (or Dublin when the preclearance facilities open there in 2010) without any need to change planes at a busy US airport.

Immigration Meeting: Amnesty Is the Wrong Agenda

By Jena Baker McNeill

Yesterday, the Obama Administration hosted a closed-door conference on immigration reform. All too often “comprehensive immigration reform” has been another name for amnesty. A more appropriate agenda would focus on efforts to stop illegal immigration and secure the border, reform the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and open up more legal avenues by which to allow individuals to come into the United States.

‘Pen and Pad’ Session with the Secretary

This afternoon I had the opportunity to participate in a ‘Pen and Pad’ Session with Sec. Napolitano. I joined the session via teleconference, and, like her in-person appearances before the Hill, the media and speaking venues, the Secretary came through loud and clear on her key points and messaging.

TSA: New Millimeter Wave Technology

Recently, I spoke with Francis Rose on Federal News Radio’s In Depth With Francis Rose, to discuss TSA’s new use of millimeter wave technology for the American rail system. Millimeter wave technology is a creative solution to keeping people safe with little to no distruption to travelers.

Registered Traveler – An Idea Before Its Time?

TSA initially supported Registered Traveler during the Tom Ridge era at DHS, as a method to target security resources on less-known travelers and to enable low-risk frequent travelers a consistent and fast security review. However, TSA washed its hands of RT in 2008, arguing it could never ensure that an unknown “clean skin” terrorist could exploit any security protocol change, leaving Registered Traveler as only a fast-lane program.