

Border Security

The Criminal Alien Problem of Secure Communities

Border Lines: The Criminal Alien Problem of Secure Communities The Secure Communities program represents furthering linking of the criminal justice and immigration systems. This merger of criminal and immigration law has been in process since the mid-1990s but has speeded up in the past several years with the deepening focus on criminal aliens by DHS […]

Mexico's Narco-Insurgency and U.S. Counterdrug Policy and the Merida Initiative

200906065043 | Mexico’s Narco-Insurgency and U.S. Counterdrug Policy and the Merida Initiative | / | Border & Sovereignty The alarming rise in drug-related violence in Mexico is discussed and the prospects of U.S. counterdrug policies in that country is assessed. The author argues that current U.S. policies are ill-suited for confronting the Mexican drug trade, […]

Can We Return to Sanity? A Plea for Risk-Based Security

Ted Alden of the Council on Foreign Relations offers an excellent analysis of what’s wrong with our immigration process – or at least, one of the things that is wrong with our broken immigration process. In a nutshell, his is an argument – a desperate plea really – for a return to risk-based security procedures that use intelligence and information to prioritize threats rather than the hopelessly ineffective but increasingly popular notion on Capitol Hill that we can prevent 100 percent of all threats we may face.

Hutchinson to AP: Border security push requires nominees at key agencies

In an interview with the Associated Press, former DEA Chief and DHS Border Security Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson notes the oddity of the Administration announcing a new push to take on the drug cartels and the smuggling of narcotics and guns along the Southwest Border while there still hasn’t even been nominations for the heads of key border security agencies — DEA, ATF and CBP.

Drug cartels teaming with terrorist groups to exploit border vulnerabilities — intel report – Army Report: Drug Cartels, Terrorists Infiltrate U.S. A secret intelligence mission recently conducted along the southern border of the United States found that drug cartels are teaming with terrorists to exploit the numerous vulnerabilities along the sparsely defended 2,000-mile Mexican border.

Obama Administration Announces Strategy to Reduce Drug Trafficking and Flow of Bulk Cash and Weapons Across Southwest Border

DHS: Obama Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Drug Trafficking and Flow of Bulk Cash and Weapons Across Southwest Border Today, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, U.S. Department of Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano, and Director of National Drug Control Policy Gil Kerlikowske released President Obama’s strategy to stem the flow of illegal drugs and their […]

Reid Says He’s Committed to Immigration Overhaul This Year

CQ Homeland Security: Reid Says He’s Committed to Immigration Overhaul Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reiterated his support today for a comprehensive overhaul of immigration law this year in a brief speech to the Asian American and Pacific Islander Summit on Capitol Hill. Although a priority of President Obama, the subject remains contentious in the […]

E-Verify Employers Should Prepare For USCIS’s Announced Increase in Monitoring

E-Verify is a critical tool for employers who want to prevent hiring unauthorized workers. And yet, employers who voluntarily sign up for E-Verify often wonder what happens to the information that they provide to the E-Verify system, and whether their activities are subject to additional scrutiny because of their participation.

Napolitano Outlines Vision for DHS under Her Watch

At a luncheon forum at the Aspen Institute this week, Secretary Napolitano outlined her priorities for DHS — focusing on improved intelligence, border security and emergency preparedness.

The Practical Implications of the WHTI

covertress: The Practical Implications of the WHTI By Scott Stewart and Fred Burton, Stratfor On June 1, 2009, the land and sea portion of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) will go into effect. The WHTI is a program launched as a result of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and intended […]