

Border Security

U.S. must step up "Merida Initiative" to Support Mexico's fight against drug cartels on the border

The “Merida Initiative,” as we know it, does not provide the level of funding necessary for Mexico to succeed in its battle against the cartels. If we don’t pay more into it now, we’re certain to pay far more for our mistake later.

The Administration's Mixed Signals on Immigration Policy

By federal government standards, there has been a veritable frenzy of activity related to immigration at the Department of Homeland Security. With three high-profile appointments in the last couple of weeks, the Administration has sent mixed signals about the direction it intends to take on immigration policy from a public perspective, as well as how it intends to manage the effort from an internal perspective. Oddly, the mainstream media has missed or ignored these developments.

Breaking: John Morton Nominated to Lead ICE

President Obama announced today his intention to nominate John Morton to be the Assistant Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Don't Turn a Blind Eye to Mexico

While President Obama is having lunch today with the political leadership of our closest neighbor and ally, Canada, the situation to our south has continued to deteriorate.

Mexico: The Third War

Mexico has pretty much always been a rough-and-tumble place. In recent years, however, the security environment has deteriorated rapidly, and parts of the country have become incredibly violent. It is now common to see military weaponry such as fragmentation grenades and assault rifles used almost daily in attacks.

Trying to scan 100 percent of cargo is a bad idea — from a security perspecitve as well as economic perspective

The congressional mandate to scan 100 percent of all cargo coming into the United States has questionable security value and will assuredly disrupt the global supply chain process, further undermining American commerce, jobs and the economy at a time when the U.S. economy is already struggling.

Ranking Republican on House Judiciary Questions Removal of E-Verify Provisions from Stimulus Bill

Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, raised alarms today that E-Verify provisions may have been stripped from the massive stimulus bill that will soon face a final vote before going to President Obama’s desk.

The Shadow Assistant Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement?

DHS announces a “Special Advisor on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Detention & Removal.” … Hmmmm, isn’t this pretty much the job description of the Assistant Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement?

There Is Still Much Work To Be Done

New DHS officials, incoming National Security Council staff, and citizens interested in the perennial tensions between freedom and security should carefully read The Closing of the American Border and keep it near their desks. This book provides critical strategic lessons gleaned from seven years of hindsight for Americans and their leaders.

We cannot turn our backs on Mexico's Fight with Drug Lords

Our Nation has spent over one-half trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past five years—and rightfully so. However, our country plans on spending a mere $400 million dollars a year for the next few years to help Mexico take on the cartels and win back their country. Our Central American neighbors are losing the fight against these same syndicates as many of these thugs flee south to evade the pressure from Mexican security forces.