

Maritime and Seaport Security

TSA to lift restrictions on liquids and gels aboard aircraft

What lies ahead for airport security this year – This Just In – Budget Travel The TSA’s goal is to lift the restrictions on carrying liquids, aerosols, and gels aboard aircraft. Toward that end, the TSA has been rolling out new luggage screening machines that can tell the difference between a harmless drink and a […]

Air Cargo World Exclusive Webcast: Analysis of the New Government Mandate for 100% Screening of Air Cargo

How is the air cargo industry preparing itself to implement the U.S. Government’s mandate for screening 100 percent of all international inbound cargo aboard passenger aircraft by August 2010? That’s the number one question for the air freight industry as it faces the challenge of meeting the 2007 Homeland Security law. Listen to an expert panel of security and industry experts in this exclusive webcast discuss how the air cargo mandates will impact security and trade.

Cargo Decline — Not the Time for 100 Percent Scanning

Today’s USA Today features a compelling video on the Port of Savannah. This port, like many ports in America is suffering tremendously from the economic slump. Given these challenges to America’s ports, it seems illogical to implement the 100 percent scanning mandate.

DHS official: Cargo scanning mandate should be reconsidered

DHS official: Cargo mandate should be reconsidered (4/1/09) — A senior Homeland Security Department official told lawmakers on Wednesday it is time for Congress to reconsider a legal mandate created by Democratic lawmakers that requires all cargo containers to be scanned for weapons of mass destruction at foreign ports before they are shipped to […]

Normalize Cuba Immigration Policy

Cubans attempting to enter the U.S. illegally are uniquely handled under an immigration law descriptively known as “wet foot/dry foot”. But a new and equally dangerous trend has emerged in the past several years that brings Cubans to the U.S. soil through dangerous Mexico.

Is Federalizing the Cargo Screening Process the Right Answer?

Federalizing the air cargo screening process is a drastic and short sighted solution that would further erode our proven risk-based inspection strategy. We need to find flexible, common-sense solutions to meeting the new mandates that don’t totally disregard the important role that risk-based security plays in our national security model.

Checked Baggage, Security Checkpoint Screening Equipment to be Funded by Stimulus Money

Checked Baggage, Security Checkpoint Screening Equipment to be Funded by Stimulus Money The department plans to use the funds to accelerate the implementation of optimal checked baggage solutions and the enhanced detection of liquid threats in carry-on baggage. To support this strategy DHS is proposing a plan to allocate $700 million to checked baggage explosive […]

New airport security rules to require more personal information

New airport security rules to require more personal information — You may have been patted down at airports or suffered the indignity of having your dirty laundry from a vacation searched at screening checkpoints. Now prepare yourself for security to get a little more personal. Passengers making airline reservations soon will be required to […]

Coast Guard Facing Historic Demand During Modernization Budget Crunch

Cargo Business Newswire On Tuesday, Commandant Adm. Thad Allen delivered The State of The Coast Guard Address at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., saying the U.S. Coast Guard is facing historic demand on several fronts, while modernization efforts face the challenge of budget constraints.

Before spending millions on cargo-screening quotas, why not ask the experts?

Whether talking about 100% or 50% or 10% screening, the larger the percentage the larger the cost in equipment and staff. However, I would ask 2 questions: What are we screening for and, and is the cost a sound investment in the most effective strategy?