

Maritime and Seaport Security

Former DHS IG Ready for More Spending!

One trembles to think where the former DHS Inspector General’s deep pockets end — particularly since the public would be paying for his spending binge — and common sense begins. Besides making airports an even greater misery than they already are in terms of waits, lines, crowds, screaming babies and tired angry travelers … would putting screeners at the entrances of airports prevent violence? September 11th was wrought with box cutters. What creativity could be brought to bear among the many stores and equipment located in airport terminals? Would the Starbucks employees need security clearances?

100 Percent Scanning & Air Cargo Security

By Kevin R. McCarthy, Special Guest to Security DeBrief
Board of Advisors, SPADAC Inc.

Scanning 100% of the packages that process through this system is a focus of the 9/11 Bill. Many people interpret this process as being similar to the treatment a traveler’s bag receives at the airport security checkpoint. Logistically, however, this is simply impossible. Implementing the 100% requirement will create a net effect to completely cripple our economy.

Are We Ready For 100% Cargo Scanning?

Last week in a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee, Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) made statements that shed light on the potentially problematic process of implementing a 100% screening requirement for cargo containers.

In addition to raising valid questions about the technological feasibility of the mandate, Thompson’s statements should also prompt a re-examination of the much more important security implications of a 100% cargo scanning system. We are similarly lacking evidence that shows replacing the current risk-based system of security with a “100%” approach will actually make our country’s ports safer. In fact, most of the evidence we do have says just the opposite.

Narcotics and Counterfeit Goods Operation Linked to Terrorism

The Los Angeles Times reports that a dozen people were arrested yesterday on charges of narcotics trafficking, money laundering and selling counterfeit goods after a two-year counter-terrorism and drug investigation centered in Los Angeles’ downtown garment district. The link between drug smuggling and counterfeit goods operations with the financing of terrorist activities is well known […]

Real Solutions for Port Security

Last week, Rep. Peter King – chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security – released a report on the progress of the SAFE Port Act, One Year Later. The report analyzes DHS’s implementation of the bill, focusing both on both its successes (the Secure Freight Initiative) and its shortcomings (the Transportation Worker Identification Credential […]