

Maritime and Seaport Security

Pentagon Looks Beyond Force To Counter Piracy

Pentagon Looks Beyond Force To Counter Piracy : NPR A review of U.S. efforts to combat piracy on the high seas is nearing completion. Military options are under consideration, but experts agree that the ultimate answer to the piracy problem will also require political solutions — addressing issues such as poverty, lawlessness and instability in […]

New Weapons Busting Scanner for Airports

DoD Buzz | New Weapons Busting Scanner | Air European aerospace giant EADS has begun production of a system intended to thwart terrorists carrying chemical or explosive weapons, a technology that also promises to be a boon to air travelers long grown frustrated with lines, delays, pat-downs and moving shoeless through airports. And then there […]

Senate Committee Quashes Obama's Immigration Rollbacks

By Jena Baker McNeil
Sen. Sessions’ amendment to make E-Verify permanent and mandatory is a good step forward in terms of maintaining immigration enforcement efforts.

Governor Crist Signs Bill to Streamline Port Security Requirements

Governor Crist Signs Bill to Streamline Port Security Requirements | The Jacksonville Observer Legislation aimed at reducing some of the cumbersome security requirements at ports as a way to spur international trade was signed Monday by Gov. Charlie Crist. The governor, signing the bill at Port Everglades, said the measure wouldn’t mean the ports would […]

Adm Allen Addresses Business Executives for National Security

USCG: Commandant’s Corner – Business Executives for National Security Yesterday I spoke to the Business Executives for National Security (BENS).BENS, a nationwide, non-partisan organization, is the primary channel through which senior business executives can help enhance the nation’s security. BENS members use their business experience to drive our agenda, deliver our message to decision makers […]

Admiral Allen testifies on Coast Guard budget needs

USCG: Commandant’s Corner – Journal Today I testified to the Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism along with my DHS partners from CBP and ICE. You can read Chairman Bennie Thompson’s statement supporting our recapitalization needs.

Can We Return to Sanity? A Plea for Risk-Based Security

Ted Alden of the Council on Foreign Relations offers an excellent analysis of what’s wrong with our immigration process – or at least, one of the things that is wrong with our broken immigration process. In a nutshell, his is an argument – a desperate plea really – for a return to risk-based security procedures that use intelligence and information to prioritize threats rather than the hopelessly ineffective but increasingly popular notion on Capitol Hill that we can prevent 100 percent of all threats we may face.

Deepwater in trouble, watchdog says

Deepwater in trouble, watchdog says — Washington Technology The Coast Guard made a final acceptance of its first National Security Cutter this month without completing tests for key communications equipment on the boat, according to an investigation by a watchdog group . The Coast Guard welcomed the $700 million cutter, named Bertholf, into its fleet […]

Interview: Adm. Allen on Social Media – Part 2

Interview: Adm. Allen, Commandant of the Coast Guard, on Social Media – Part 2 | A couple of days ago, I posted part 1 of my interview with Adm. Allen, Commandant of the Coast Guard, regarding social media. Below is part 2.

Interview: Adm. Allen on Social Media – Part 1

Interview: Adm. Allen, Commandant of the Coast Guard, on Social Media – Part 1 I did an interview in April with Adm. Thad Allen, the 23rd Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, regarding social media & the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard has been spearheading a move into the world of Web 2.0 and interaction […]