

State and Local

Hotel association teams with DHS to improve security awareness

Hotel association teams with DHS to improve security awareness – Public Matters
Whenever I travel, I always take note of the different security measures in place at hotels. Call me paranoid, but I am constantly checking to make sure there are video cameras in hallways and good locks on my doors.

Thad Allen – My Interview and Nomination

Several weeks back, I had the good fortune to interview retired U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen for Faircount Media Group. In our discussion, he reflected on the lessons learned from this year’s Gulf oil spill, as well as his experiences with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and what can only be called an eventful career in public service. The interview is offered below, but in sharing it, I can’t help but feel as we approach the end of the calendar year and hand out honors that there is one more that should be handed out.

'Toughest sheriff' recruits big names for border 'posse'

‘Toughest sheriff’ recruits big names for border ‘posse’ – The Washington Times
“America’s toughest sheriff,” Phoenixs Joe Arpaio, is creating an armed “Immigration Posse” to combat illegal immigration, and Hollywood actors Steven Seagal and Lou Ferrigno, along with Dick Tracy and Wyatt Earp, have signed up.

A suggestion for how DHS can allay fears about TSA pat-downs

We have all heard that the best leaders in the private sector, as well as those in government, are those who “lead by example.” That thought sticks in my mind as DHS and TSA attempt to defend the use of advanced imaging technologies or, in the alternative, more thorough physical inspections. One way Secretary Napolitano and TSA Administrator Pistole could help allay the public’s fear would be for each of them to go through the enhanced screening process and do it in front of the television cameras for the whole world to see.

Allen Outlines Disaster Response Lessons for Feds

Allen Outlines Disaster Response Lessons for Feds – CQ Homeland Security
After struggling with Hurricane Katrina and the BP Gulf Coast oil spill, the federal government has learned some choice lessons about disaster response that it is unlikely to ever forget, former Coast Guard commandant Adm. Thad Allen said Tuesday.

Domestic Terrorism – Anarchist Extremism: A Primer

Domestic Terrorism – Anarchist Extremism: A Primer – The FBI
To help educate the public about domestic terrorism-Americans attacking Americans because of U.S.-based extremist ideologies—we’ve previously outlined three separate threats: eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and the sovereign citizen movement.

DHS intel reports way too slow, local officials say

DHS intel reports way too slow, local officials say – Washington Post SpyTalk
The Department of Homeland Security is so slow getting intelligence bulletins to state and local police “fusion centers” that they are nearly worthless, according to an internal audit released on Monday. The bulletins, called Homeland Intelligence Reports, or HIRs, are “used to share information quickly with state and local personnel on suspicious activities prior to being fully vetted,” the inspector general’s report explained.

Cameras to Catch Terrorists Triple in New York With Bomb Plots

Cameras to Catch Terrorists Triple in New York With Bomb Plots – Bloomberg News
New York City, after tripling since June the number of cameras to monitor signs of terrorism, is almost halfway to its goal of installing 3,000 of the devices as part of its security network.

Tony Hayward Speaks – We Need to Listen

There are people in life that most folks would like to go away. For me, people like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and their respective train wreck families come to mind. For people on the Gulf Coast, former BP CEO Tony Hayward is undoubtedly in this category. This week, Tony Hayward re-emerged in an interview with the BBC to talk about the lessons learned from the oil spill. I think it is all too easy for any of us to want to discount or ignore his words, but he’s made a choice not to fade away, and I think we should all hear him out.

Governors Group Publishes Guide to State Homeland Security

Governors Group Publishes Guide to State Homeland Security – HSToday
In the wake of last week’s elections, the National Governors Association (NGA) Monday released a handbook to guide newly elected state governors through setting up and managing state homeland security operations.