

State and Local

Agendas for Homeland Security panels take shape

Agendas for Homeland Security panels take shape – GovExec
The dust from last week’s elections has barely settled, but the landscape of hearings and priorities by the House and Senate homeland security committees is already becoming clear.

For King, 'Securing the Cities' Program Still a Priority

For King, ‘Securing the Cities’ Program Still a Priority – CQ Homeland Security
The debate between New York-area representatives and the Department of Homeland Security over funding for a radiation sensor deployment program known as “Securing the Cities” seems poised to continue in the 112th Congress, as one of the initiative’s most vocal backers announced Monday that it is still on his priority list.

Chicago Bomb Plot: International Cooperation Is Not Cost Free

Chicago Bomb Plot: International Cooperation Is Not Cost Free – Counterterrorism Blog
International cooperation is key in fighting international terrorism – this has been a theme of U.S. government counterterrorism statements and talking for decades. This concept was underscored by the thwarting two weeks ago of a terrorist plot to ship two bomb-laden packages to the United States, with the apparent intention of blowing them up over an American city or upon delivery to Jewish institutions in Chicago.

U.S. Offers to Remove Sudan from Terror List

U.S. Offers to Remove Sudan from Terror List – The IPT Blog
The U.S. has proposed removing Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terror if a referendum for Southern Sudanese independence is conducted transparently and on time.

Planning for Emergencies

Planning for Emergencies – Homeland1
There are two important things about a plan: The first is to have one. The second is to not take it too seriously.

Immigration Overhaul Likely to Remain Stalled in 2011

Immigration Overhaul Likely to Remain Stalled in 2011 – CQ Homeland Security
With the House in GOP hands, prospects for broad immigration legislation in the 112th Congress appear all but dead, with newly empowered Republicans expected to press for increased border security and enforcement actions targeted at undocumented immigrants in the workplace.

Attention Incoming Members of Congress: Raise Funding for Water Infrastructure

If you’re popping corks about America’s recommitment to Republican values, you can put away your champagne glasses. This week’s election results are less about Republican values, programs and policies than they are about a growing state of frustration on behalf of Americans who feel ignored by their elected representatives. So what do the people want? Safe, clean and reliable drinking water. Surprised? Well, don’t be.

Trash Industry Feels Left Out of Critical Infrastructure List

Trash Industry Feels Left Out of Critical Infrastructure List – CQ Homeland Security
When the federal government decides which critical infrastructure workers should have priority access to influenza vaccines during pandemic outbreaks, it forgot one sector – trash collection, according to a group that represents the industry.

Ridge: Attempted Attacks Part of Post-9/11 Reality

Ridge: Attempted Attacks Part of Post-9/11 Reality – CQ Homeland Security
Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Monday that intelligence was the key factor in Friday’s discovery of two improvised explosive devices in U.S.-bound cargo packages. But while he called the sharing and analysis of information critical to preventing future attacks, he said he worries that congressional regulation of the intelligence community has made its work overly procedural.

Resisting the Threat from Radicalized Immigrants and Citizens

As investigations continue into the bombs shipped from Yemen to the United States, the news last week about a plot to bomb Washington, DC Metro stations should not be forgotten. Indeed, the arrest of Farooque Ahmed, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Pakistan, is evidence of another kind of ongoing terrorist threat to the United States, one that stems from citizens and immigrants. Ahmed’s arrest shows the threat of smaller-scale terrorist attacks carried out by U.S. citizens is growing. U.S. citizens are particularly attractive to al Qaeda and other terrorists because they can more easily plot and prepare for attacks without drawing the attention of law enforcement, the intelligence community or the Department of Homeland Security.