

State and Local

Arizona Takes Steps the Feds Won’t

Last week the Arizona legislature voted for, and Governor Jan Brewer signed, a strict new anti-illegal immigration law that, among other things, requires law enforcement officers in the state to arrest people they encounter in official efforts who are illegally present in the United States. Tossing aside potential federalism issues with the state law, the fact that a state has felt the need to adopt legislation for what we all agree is a basic federal government responsibility – protecting our borders – is alarming and telling of the paralysis in Washington.

Congress Gears up for Immigration Policy Overhaul

Congress Gears up for Immigration Policy Overhaul – CQ Homeland Security
Congressional debate in the coming weeks is expected to center on efforts to change U.S. immigration policies. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., reached an agreement Tuesday to make immigration a top legislative priority, CQ reported.

Legalizing Marijuana Not Worth the Costs

I thought you might be interested in an editorial I wrote for a CNBC special report on marijuana, money and the issue of legalization.

15 Years Later: We Must Not Forget the Oklahoma City Terrorist Bombing

Today we need to remember one of the major acts of terrorism that happened here at home – the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. The truly scary part is that these terrorists were Americans and they killed Americans – homegrown domestic terrorists who were mad at the government and took the lives of 168 American men, women and children. I hope that others join me in remembering those who died that day. Let us not ever forget that day, as it marks the first awakening and a change in our way of life.

"Riot" Provokes Long Overdue Discussion on Appropriate Use of Force

There are instances in crowd management situations where force is appropriate, but simply because it’s a crowd management situation doesn’t mean that force is automatically appropriate. The University of Maryland incident last month wasn’t a riot; it was a celebration, but a college student was severely beaten by police officers nevertheless. The long-term implications of the ongoing investigation must be a rethink of crowd management in the United States, because the current systems predispose police officers towards violence and the abrogation of First Amendment rights where neither is appropriate. The most urgent capability gap is an understanding of, and means to manage, people who are non-violent and non-compliant.

Immigration Overhaul Critical to Border Security, Think Tank Says

Immigration Overhaul Critical to Border Security, Think Tank Says – CQ Homeland Security
Comprehensive revision of U.S. immigration law is the most important way to secure the nation’s borders, the Center for American Progress said in a report released Monday. The report, titled “Doing What Works: Doing What Works to Ensure Immigration Reform Is Complete and Comprehensive,” describes myriad problems with the Department of Homeland Security “virtual fence” program known as SBInet and the need for more manpower at the borders.

The Cost and Consequence of an NSSE

For the next couple of days, downtown Washington is the literal capital of the world. With over forty heads of state in town for President Obama’s Nuclear Summit, discussing ways to enhance the planet’s overall nuclear security interests, more eyes are upon the National Capital Region than usual. While it is certainly historic and honorable to host this many leaders, it is also a tremendous cost and disruption to those of us who live and work in the area. While NSSE’s have existed for years, they cause tremendous disruption to the day-to-day life and operation in the communities where they take place.

The 10 Riskiest Cities for Cyber-Crime

The 10 Riskiest Cities for Cyber-Crime – Government Technology
The threat of falling victim to cyber-crime is so ubiquitous today, and some of America’s biggest cities are even more prone than elsewhere in the country, according to a well known producer of cyber-security software.

Cybersecurity: In Washington, it’s Strategic. In Your City, it’s Pragmatic

In only a few years, cybersecurity has developed from a concept that sounded like science fiction to one of the federal government’s major concerns. The threats are real, they are pervasive, they are persistent and they are sophisticated. The overarching nature of the issue – affecting nearly every aspect of our highly networked lives – makes it the ultimate strategic issue for Washington. While cyber is a strategic issue for Washington’s leaders, for the embattled leaders of our cities, cyber is local and very tactical. That said, how do the leaders of our municipalities look at this issue?

DHS: Mexican assassin teams targeting U.S. law enforcement

DHS: Mexican assassin teams targeting U.S. law enforcement – Homeland Security Newswire
The steady deterioration of security conditions in Mexico has brought the country to the verge of resembling Columbia in the 1990s: Drug traffickers and criminal organizations in Mexico now have many more men under arms than the combined uniformed forces — police, the military, etc. — of the Mexican government