

State and Local

Airport perimeter security lacking in United States

Perimeter security: much is yet to be done – Homeland Security News Wire Multiple jurisdictions, a large number of stake holders, and lack of extensive and specific mandates from TSA make airport perimeter security a daunting task — a task which many airports are yet to address effectively

Mexico Continues Border War

In what has been a lightly reported story this past week – but one for which it is impossible to overstate the importance of – President Felipe Calderon terminated 1000 customs officials (700 in some reports) from their positions as inspectors at ports of entry throughout the country. This is another indication of the dedicated and serious manner in which President Calderon has continued to wage war with the drug cartels that exploit the border for their own illegitimate purposes.

Trucking, Tariffs, and the "North American Union"

Currently, goods driven from the interior of Mexico arrive at the border where they are transferred to another truck with driver that crosses the border and clears customs. The cargo is then transferred to a third – U.S. based – shipper and delivered to its final destination. My niece could spot the glaring inefficiencies in this current system. She’s seven.

Emergency response must move beyond federal government solutions

FEMA Director Craig Fugate, along with Dave Maxwell of the National Emergency Management Association, made the case during a recent congressional hearing for a comprehensive plan to leverage the day-to-day capabilities of local communities — from first responders to housing and infrastructure to private sector interests. It was an eloquent argument. Unfortunately, some in Washington are still focused on re-aligning organizational charts in the federal bureaucracy rather than engaging a debate on how to establish a truly national emergency management strategy.

DHS Policy Chief Discusses "Shared Responsibility" to Protect Nation

At “Blogger Roundtable” To Launch Homeland Security “Dialogue”, DHS Policy Head Heyman Asks For “Shareholders” Input As Part Of “Shared Responsibility” To Help Protect The Nation To kick off the launch of the “National Dialogue On The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) held a “Blogger Roundtable” yesterday at the agency’s […]

FEMA Needs to Partner with Private Sector and State Organizations More

FEMA’s fuzzy chain of command impedes its mission, observers say (7/28/09) — The Federal Emergency Management Agency needs a clearer chain of command and more efficient partnerships with state and local governments in disaster relief situations, witnesses told a House panel on Monday. “We need not be confined to outdated systems and approaches to […]

Momentum grows for E-verify across business sectors

Appetite grows for mandatory worker verification – Washington Business Journal: Washington Bureau Momentum appears to be growing for legislation that would require all employers, not just federal contractors, to use the E-Verify system to confirm that their employees are eligible to work in the U.S.

QHSR – Having the Conversation We Never Had

For as much as we all love to talk about everything under the sun, as Americans, we’re more doers than we are talkers. We just go do things and that’s how we got started in this thing we call, “homeland security.” Nearly eight years after 9/11, we are finally making time to have some long-overdue conversations and defining what it means to make the homeland secure.


As Congress has been unusually busy on a range of fronts – health care, executive compensation, climate change, even “cash for clunkers” – one front that has been unusually quiet has been the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill.


Global political and financial summits are held in the name of open dialogue and mutual collaboration. Those who attend but are outside the summit are, for the most part, here for the same reason, to project their message to those at the meeting, and to the wider world.