

State and Local

Congress Gets an ‘F’ — Failing to Respond to 9/11 Commission

Kudos to Politico, and in particular Sarah Laskow of the Center for Public Integrity for their FRONT PAGE story in today’s issue on the perpetual and ongoing train-wreck that is Congressional oversight of the Department of Homeland Security. In the end though the only thing that matters is action. If that is the metric we have to use, the grade is obvious. It’s an F.

Reigning in ICE partnerships with local law enforcement recieves mixed reviews on Capitol Hill

Homeland Security Today – preparedness and security news – Congressional Reactions to 287(g) Revisions House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson declared that the original program had dangerously morphed “beyond its original boundaries and led to a lack of accountability.” “I am gratified that this committee’s oversight led the Department to revamp the 287(g) program,” […]

New Curbs Set on Arrests of Illegal Immigrants

New Curbs Set on Arrests of Illegal Immigrants – The Department of Homeland Security said Friday it was revising a program that authorized local police to enforce federal immigration law — a controversial aspect of U.S. border policy. Opponents said the program, known as 287g, was intended to identify criminal aliens but instead has […]

G-20 summit: City could need 4,000 police officers

It will be the largest police presence on the streets of Pittsburgh in a generation.

Technology is one solution to security vulnerabilites at federal buildings

Wednesday’s Senate hearing on security lapses at federal government buildings around the U.S. brings up the need for better technology at those security checkpoints, not unlike the upgrades underway at U.S. airports.

Security PLUS Facilitation – A Success Story

Beginning on July 29, commercial airline traffic to the US from Shannon airport in Ireland will have the advantage of full preclearance. This is a win-win-win for everyone. Passengers get convenience – they can make their travel plans direct from Shannon (or Dublin when the preclearance facilities open there in 2010) without any need to change planes at a busy US airport.

Fugate Roundtable Video on Community Preparedness

The Blog @ Homeland Security: Fugate Roundtable Video For those who missed it, check out the video from earlier this week of FEMA Adminstrator Fugate’s roundtable discussion on community service and preparedness.

Court Upholds CA Sanctuary Policy

ImmigrationProf Blog: Court Upholds CA Sanctuary Policy The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California applauded the decision of a California appeals court to uphold a Los Angeles Police Department rule barring cops from inquiring about the immigration status of a person they have detained, in most cases.

Governor Crist Signs Bill to Streamline Port Security Requirements

Governor Crist Signs Bill to Streamline Port Security Requirements | The Jacksonville Observer Legislation aimed at reducing some of the cumbersome security requirements at ports as a way to spur international trade was signed Monday by Gov. Charlie Crist. The governor, signing the bill at Port Everglades, said the measure wouldn’t mean the ports would […]

Preparedness Grants in Focus

The Blog @ Homeland Security: Preparedness Grants in Focus Yesterday, we took a broad view on how this year’s preparedness grants are being allocated. It’s a lot of money, but what does it mean for communities across the country? Let’s take a look at where some of this money is going, and how our state […]