
U.S. Special Forces – Let’s Sort Out All These "Special" Guys

The take down of Usama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and the killing of UBL has created a huge interest in the Special Operations (SO) capabilities our nation possesses. The American people need to be better informed as to who is who in the Special Operations community, simply because so many folks are speaking inaccurately. So here is a run down of the different kinds of “special” heroes who have accepted the high calling of putting the welfare of their country before their own.

Diminished DHS Grants Draw Praise For Targeting Highest Risks

Diminished DHS Grants Draw Praise For Targeting Highest Risks – HSToday
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released grants guidance to US states and localities for fiscal 2011 Thursday, emphasizing a focus on getting the most for its money due to almost 25 percent in grant funding reductions compared to fiscal 2010.

Revealing Details of the Bin Laden Operation? Shut the Hell Up!

Like most Americans, I’m happy Osama Bin Laden has been given his just reward. But I have become increasingly angered by the sieve-like qualities coming from Obama Administration and Defense officials who continue to divulge details of the May 1 takedown of Bin Laden. These motor-mouths seem more enchanted with currying and preserving their media relationships than preserving the unique capabilities of our intelligence and military forces.

The Cyber World Explodes With White House Legislative Proposal

Ever since the President gave the May 2009 speech on cybersecurity, people like me have been bemoaning that there seemed to be little meat added to the well-crafted bones that were the original cyber strategy. In the last week or so, we got plenty: the White House’s cybersecurity legislative proposal and Cyber International Affairs initiative.

U.S. border agents to snag drug-smuggling jets with Canadian military radar

U.S. border agents to snag drug-smuggling jets with Canadian military radar – NextGov
The Homeland Security Department this fall plans to employ military-grade radar feeds from Canada to spot low-altitude aircraft smuggling drugs, but officials have not stationed any license-plate cameras to catch vehicles carrying the cash that funds such illicit flights.

Top DHS cybersecurity official to resign

Top DHS cybersecurity official to resign – Hillicon Valley
The Department of Homeland Security’s top cybersecurity official announced his plans to resign just days after the White House released its most detailed guidance for how the government should protect its networks and combat cybercrime.

The Rewards of Red Cross Readiness

Regardless of circumstance or event, be it flood, fire, tornado or terror, the American Red Cross has always been there. With the release of the Ready Rating Program, the American Red Cross has once again shown their capacity to do just about anything they set their mind too. When you compare this effort to those of DHS in its Private Sector Preparedness (PS-Prep) Program, it’s not even a fair comparison.

Northern border "more significant threat" to U.S. security than the Mexican border

Northern border “more significant threat” to U.S. security than the Mexican border – Homeland Security Newswire
The U.S. border with Canada sees far fewer detentions and arrests every year, but is a “more significant threat” to American security than the Mexican border, a senior DHS official said Tuesday.

DHS accused of hiding fingerprinting data

DHS accused of hiding fingerprinting data – NextGov
Plaintiffs in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit contend the Homeland Security Department is attempting to hide information on a controversial immigrant fingerprinting program by refusing to release court-ordered email trails.

Groups worry DHS pushing EU to weaken privacy protections

Groups worry DHS pushing EU to weaken privacy protections – Hillicon Valley
Privacy advocates are concerned that the Obama administration might be prodding Europe to weaken its privacy policies in the name of preventing terrorism.