
From the al-Qaeda Playbook – How Terrorists Avoid "See Something, Say Something" and How We Can Stop Them

America is getting smarter in its efforts to reduce the risk of a terror attack. Yet, these efforts, while noteworthy, do not eliminate the threats against our country. We are dealing with an intelligent adversary; al-Qaeda’s adaptive capacity continues to serve it well. Armed with knowledge of al-Qaeda’s operational approach, however, citizens can employ a common-sense approach to “See Something, Say Something” and add critical information to our counterterrorism efforts.

Cloudy With Rain – Cybersecurity and Amazon's System Failure

I love watching the latest fool-proof Internet technologies and buzz words come along. Sadly, our homeland security is tied to these new technologies, and we are made more vulnerable as a result. Recently, Amazon quietly admitted there was a failure in their system. A failure, by the way, that mucked up not only their works but plenty of others as well.

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite 'High Risk'

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite ‘High Risk’ – NPR
An NPR investigation of secret military documents from the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay details the system used to assess how dangerous the detainees would be if released.

Terrorists Could Exploit Hurricane in U.S., Report Warns

Terrorists Could Exploit Hurricane in U.S., Report Warns – GSN
An extremist entity might take advantage of the disorder produced by a hurricane in the United States, through actions such as striking emergency exit routes, launching computer attacks, or noting emergency response measures for planning a later assault on an atomic plant or other site, experts warned in a U.S. Homeland Security Department “red cell” report made public on Friday.

New Terror Alert System Aims For Clarity, Not Color

After DHS Secretary Napolitano announced the new terror alert system, National Public Radio covered the event and called on contributor to Security Debrief Kevin McCarthy to help explain the issue. Here is a brief excerpt from a story. Check out the full story to read more about McCarthy’s comments.

Critical Infrastructure in Danger – Industry Confronts a Changing Cyber Threat

This past week, McAfee, in conjunction with CSIS, released a report titled, “In the Dark: Crucial Industries Confront Cyberattacks” at the National Press Club. The threats to control systems and other critical infrastructure are severe and changing and while words have been expended on the subject, precious little action to actually protect it has been taken. The report revealed this and other insights.

It's a Security Debrief Contest! Tell Napolitano Where to Go Next

Tell DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano where you think she should go, and you can win a prize! The more I thought about Napolitano’s recent travel schedule, I wondered how the Security Debrief family might be helpful to her…and have some fun in the process.

Working Together to Create a 21st Century Immigration System

Working Together to Create a 21st Century Immigration System – White House Blog
President Obama remains deeply committed to reforming our immigration laws to meet our 21st Century economic and security needs. In his State of the Union address, the President asked Republicans and Democrats to work with him to take on this issue.

FEMA's operating systems don't communicate effectively, despite major IT investments

FEMA’s operating systems don’t communicate effectively, despite major IT investments – NextGov
The Federal Emergency Management Agency still doesn’t have the information technology capacity to deal with a major disaster response six years after Hurricane Katrina exposed weaknesses in the system, according to an audit released on Tuesday.

ICE Visa Security Program Hampered By Inconsistencies, GAO Says

ICE Visa Security Program Hampered By Inconsistencies, GAO Says – HSToday
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has not consistently implemented an initiative to scrutinize US visa applicants and still has not expanded the program to many high-risk countries, warned a recent report from congressional investigators.