
CBP's Predator UAV Use Raises More Questions, Answers Elusive

Last week, as the world was focused on the crisis in Japan and the military action in Libya, the Associated Press reported on the use of Predator UAVs to help Mexican authorities in their war on drug cartels. Yet, at a conference at MIT’s Lincoln Labs on Homeland Security technology, I learned that the Predator was ineffective for wide-area surveillance during the Deep Water Horizon disaster. It was scrapped after less than two weeks. Congress should look closely at the cost/benefit of UAVs and how their use in Mexico deviates from the DHS mission.

Fiscal 2010 DHS Audit Reveals Deficiencies In Financial Practices

Fiscal 2010 DHS Audit Reveals Deficiencies In Financial Practices – HSToday
A financial audit of the balance sheet of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for fiscal 2010 was inconclusive but yielded a number of recommendations for the department to improve its financial management practices, according to a recent letter released by the DHS inspector general (IG).

DHS, Agencies Take Precautions In Wake of RSA Breach

DHS, Agencies Take Precautions In Wake of RSA Breach – NextGov
The Homeland Security Department is coordinating with agencies to ensure federal networks are not compromised by a cyber attack Thursday that hit computer security contractor RSA, DHS officials said Friday.

An Achilles' Heel

An Achilles’ Heel – National Journal
It’s long been the stuff of nightmares for America’s top homeland-security officials. Well-trained terrorists assault one of the nation’s nuclear-power plants, nearly a dozen of which are near major metropolitan areas. The militants kill the facility’s private-security guards and make their way to the plant’s reactor. Federal law-enforcement personnel rush to the scene, but it’s too late.

What are we waiting for? – A proactive counter-terrorism doctrine of "integrated resilience"

The notion of “resilience” is a core principle in the United States National Security Strategy, yet in practice, the term lacks clarity. Other societies with years of terrorism experience have become more resilient to the risk of terror attacks. Is there a best practice to be implemented here? What is resilience and is community resilience to terrorism achievable? Resilience should become a national priority instead of a soundbite.

A Plan for Passenger-Friendly Air Travel

Seizing on the spirit of change spreading around the globe, the U.S. Travel Association recently issued its recommendations for overhauling the security screening experience for passengers in a report titled “A Better Way.” Improvements to our aviation security need few new ideas. Rather, as the report implies, wholesale change requires intrepid leadership.

How Bad Communication Is Undermining Japan's Crisis Response

How Bad Communication Is Undermining Japan’s Crisis Response – David S. Abraham – International – The Atlantic No doubt, the Japanese people are resilient. A mix of perseverance and a resignation to fate has allowed them to look beyond often dangerous uncertainties. But as the tragedy continues to unfold, the lack of clear information could […]

Napolitano: U.S. Screening Cargo, Passengers Coming From Japan

Napolitano: U.S. Screening Cargo, Passengers Coming From Japan – Fox News blog
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the U.S. is conducting radiation checks on passengers and cargo coming from Japan in the wake of the disaster that has left nuclear facilities damaged.

A Third Cybersecurity Tribe – Social Scientists

Last week, I wrote about the two main tribes that face off against each other when we discuss or try to do cybersecurity. These are the Wooly Headed Wonks and the Propeller Headed Geeks. But if the Wonks are mainly lawyers and political science/international relations types, there is a sub-tribe of behavioral social scientists. America and her allies have the people to deal with the challenges of cybersecurity; we simply need to get them all in harness and pulling together.

Terrorists' Use Of Internet, Problems Combating It Detailed In Congressional Report

Terrorists’ Use Of Internet, Problems Combating It Detailed In Congressional Report – HSToday
A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report released last week, Terrorist Use of the Internet: Information Operations in Cyberspace, “describes the ways that international terrorists and insurgents use the Internet strategically and tactically in pursuit of their political agendas.”