
New Magazine Aims to Push Jihadi Women

New Magazine Aims to Push Jihadi Women – IPT News
While this week marked the 100th anniversary of International Woman’s Day, which celebrates women’s rights around the world, a new pro-jihad publication is pushing for a different form of empowerment in the “path of victory for Allah’s religion and raising its banner.”

Mobile Security – Sophisticated Malware on Your Smart Phone

The vast expansion of mobile computing capabilities and usage has enormous benefits but down sides as well. Most folks fail to understand that their smart phones and tablets are every bit as much computers as their laptops, and they are just as vulnerable to attack and exploitation. The bad guys have always targeted what was easy or what was lucrative. PC’s are easy; smart phones are lucrative.

A Unique ICE-Muslim Cooperative Initiative

Peter King’s Homeland Security hearings on “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community’s Response” convinced me to prepare this post about an initiative established in the DHS/ICE Special Agent in Charge office in New York City. From my perspective, the meetings were productive because they allowed ICE and Muslim communities to speak openly about initiatives, procedures and concerns about profiling.

Rep. John Mica claim TSA "cooked the books" merits inquiry as Congress looks to rein in DHS costs

Congressman John Mica used a recently updated GAO report to claim that TSA has “cooked the books” when it comes to comparing costs under the Screening Partnership Program. When Administrator Pistole is testifies before the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, members should ask Pistole some questions to clarify his decision on SPP.

TSA Releases Radiation Testing Reports

TSA Releases Radiation Testing Reports – The TSA Blog
TSA’s mission of keeping the traveling public safe is carried out at more than 450 airports across the U.S. and its territories. A large part of keeping the public safe includes using the best technology available. Some of the screening technologies use X-ray technology, such as backscatter imaging technology, multi-view advanced technology X-rays, explosive detection systems, and single projection X-ray systems to screen baggage.

More Money, More Cameras, Along Arizona/Mexican Border

More Money, More Cameras, Along Arizona/Mexican Border – Ares
Now that the Department of Homeland Security has capped its $800 million SBInet border surveillance program at only 53 mi. of Arizona borderland, the government has been scrambling to find other ways to get better situational awareness of who and what is trying to get across the Arizona/Mexico border.

Nine Fort Hood Officers Face Disciplinary Action

Nine Fort Hood Officers Face Disciplinary Action – The IPT Blog
Army Secretary John McHugh has ordered disciplinary action for nine unnamed officers in the Fort Hood shooting, according to NBC News. Although the Army’s investigation noted that “no single event” led to the massacre, “certain officers” in command of Major Nidal Hasan “failed to meet the high standards expected of them,” ignoring signs of his increasing radicalization.

The Pain of Japan – The Lessons to be Learned from NLE11

The images coming out of quake-damaged Japan are truly indescribable. Incidents like the 8.9 earthquake and its follow-on tsunami give us all a reason to pause from our daily lives to wonder what would we do if something like that happened here. That’s just the question the people behind the National Level Exercise 2011 have been asking themselves for nearly a year, as they have been working to pull all of the pieces together for the full-scale drill on the nation’s preparedness that will take place this coming May.

Protecting Government Officials – Threat Analysis and Data Collection Needed

How should law enforcement respond to “threats” against government officials, particularly when the “threats” do not rise to the level of criminal activity? Law enforcement has made great strides in collecting data on incidents and behaviors that are suspicious in nature. The advent of Fusion Centers and the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI) has laid the framework. If we do not begin to look at the threats against our institutions by people who are aggrieved, violently inclined, or mentally ill, then we will likely see more of this kind of crime.

First Person Video of Tsunami Overwhelming Japanse Town

To understand the scope of the devastation wrought upon Japan, watch this terrifying first-person video of an individual caught in the middle of the Tsunami. Keep in mind that a Tsunami does not come crashing in, like the waves of a hurricane, but is a wall of water that just keeps coming. The video gets worse and worse as the minutes pass.