
Drug-War Tensions Rise with U.S. Agent's Killing

Mexico: Drug-War Tensions Rise with U.S. Agent’s Killing – TIME Publicly, the Calderón and Obama administrations have continued to paint a rosy picture of the U.S. and Mexico marching side by side to defeat the common adversary of drug cartels. But as revealed in WikiLeaks cables and offhand comments by officials on both sides of […]

Problems remain in flight school security

Problems remain in flight school security – The Boston Globe
Several months after federal officials arrested the immigrant owner of a Stow flight school and 33 of his students for being in the United States illegally, officials have not instituted new safeguards to prevent something similar from happening again.

Most-wanted terrorist lists missing most wanted

Most-wanted terrorist lists missing most wanted – Homeland Security Newswire
Appearing before Congress last week, National Counterterrorism Center Director, Michael Leiter, warned that Anwar Awlaki, the Yemeni lecturer credited with turning the Web into a tool for extremist indoctrination, is America’s new top terrorist threat. Despite being the first U.S. citizen ever placed on the CIA targeted killing list, the al Qaeda cleric has managed to elude the State Department’s Reward for Justice and FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists lists.

Erroll Southers: Effective Counter Terrorism Means Public Engagement

By Erroll Southers
In America, very little counter-terrorism education occurs and terrorism awareness is low. The public is informed in a reactive, viral delivery, the result of the latest video terror threat or subsequent to the next thwarted plot (if we remain lucky). The point America has been missing is the engagement of its biggest and best resource: the public.

Patriot Act Extension Lands on Obama's Desk

Patriot Act Extension Lands on Obama’s Desk – Wired Threat Level
The House forwarded legislation to the president Thursday to extend three controversial Patriot Act spy measures through May. They were set to expire at month’s end.

Castles and Cavalry in Cyber: Finding the Right Action at the Right Time

Many people see cybersecurity as simply a matter of building a better castle. If we only have higher and thicker walls, and a strong cavalry, we’ll be safe. Yet, the bad guys are always going to get through, and it does not matter much if the cavalry is preemptive or reactive. We still need the sensors and decision-making protocols to get the right action at the right time.

Radicalization Problems Facing Guantanamo and American Prisons

Radicalization Problems Facing Guantanamo and American Prisons – The IPT blog
America’s jails are becoming a breeding ground for extremism, while many more prisoners released from the Guantanamo Bay detention center are turning to violence, according to a new op-ed by forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner.

Budget Calls for More Airport Scanners

Budget Calls for More Airport Scanners – WSJ Washington Wire blog
Deficit hawks haven’t clipped the wings of the Department of Homeland Security. Its discretionary budget would increase 0.7% to $43.2 billion under the spending blueprint issued today by the Obama administration.

Cyberwar Issues Likely to Be Addressed Only After a Catastrophe

Cyberwar Issues Likely to Be Addressed Only After a Catastrophe – Wired Threat Level
When it comes to developing cyberwarfare policy, the United States will likely wait for a catastrophic event and then overreact, rather than plan ahead, said former intelligence chief Mike McConnell at the RSA Conference on Wednesday.

18 Days that Shook the World – Ramifications of the Egyptian Revolution

By Peter Probst
While former-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak recently resigned in the face of two-week long protests from the Egyptian people, the ramifications from this dramatic event are just beginning to be felt. Following are some predictions on what we may expect in the region.