
LCB Case Means FinCEN Needs to Get IT Right This Time

The recent designation of the Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) as a “financial institution of primary money laundering concern” compels the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to continue its IT modernization project, despite multiple setbacks. The LCB case is a reminder of the significant role of FinCEN, not only in the investigation of criminal organizations, but also in the investigation of the movement of funds used to support organizations that threaten U.S. national security and interests.

E-Verify Adoption Gaining Steam

E-Verify Adoption Gaining Steam – HSToday
The E-Verify program has gained steady adoption momentum among the nation’s employers, US Citizenship and Immigration Services Associate Director Theresa C. Bertucci told the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement last Thursday in a hearing titled “E-Verify: Preserving Jobs for American Workers”.

Protecting privacy at the airport

Protecting privacy at the airport – The Hill’s Congress Blog
Around the holidays last year, we saw significant public concern about personal privacy at our nation’s airports. At the time, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) had expanded screening measures at security checkpoints in airports like the Albuquerque Sunport.

After Arizona Shooting, Media Lays Blame but Not on the Shooter

The saga continues on the shootings in Arizona in January, where Representative Gabrielle Giffords and at least 17 others were shot. Sadly, no, the saga is not on the status of the victims nor the families that lost loved ones. Our “News magazines” have now joined the blame game. Not in blaming Jared Loughner – they want to blame everyone and everything else.

Flip-flops Against Chemical Security – Really GreenPeace?

GreenPeace wasted little time showing off its true colors last Friday when the group’s legislative director, Rick Hind, decided to protest during a House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on chemical security. Waving flip-flops over his head, Rick managed to interrupt the hearing and wag the proverbial middle finger to the water sector. The fact is, GreenPeace is less concerned about chemical security than they are about just banning chlorine.

The Good and the Ugly on the Domestic Terrorism Front

The Good and the Ugly on the Domestic Terrorism Front – The Weekly Standard
A new study out of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, “Muslim-American Terrorism Since 9/11: An Accounting,” appears to offer up some good news when it comes to Islamist-inspired terrorism originating in the United States.

Risk-based security approach on TSA's horizon

Risk-based security approach on TSA’s horizon – Homeland Security Newswire
Proposals to overhaul security checkpoints at airports to take into account the risk profile of each traveler is being promoted by several industry organizations to allay the frustrations of travelers.

Budget Request Promises New Life for 'Securing the Cities'

Budget Request Promises New Life for ‘Securing the Cities’ – CQ Homeland Security
A battle between the Department of Homeland Security and the New York-area congressional delegation over a radiation-detection program that has lasted for years appeared to end with the Obama administration’s fiscal 2012 request.

Op-Ed: A Civil Perspective on Cybersecurity

Op-Ed: A Civil Perspective on Cybersecurity – Wired Threat Level
Jane Holl Lute is the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Bruce McConnell is a Senior Counselor at the Department. How important is cyberspace? It is hardly possible to overstate it. The internet is an engine of immense wealth creation, a force for openness, transparency, innovation and freedom. Without it, generators stop turning, phones fall silent, critical goods sit on loading docks.

Hope from OMB – Improving Communication between Government and Industry

Daniel Gordon, OMB’s Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, released a 13-page Memorandum for Chief Acquisition Officers, Senior Procurement Executives and Chief Information Officers. If you are someone who has tried to do business with the federal government, this memo speaks directly to you. As someone who has worked with the homeland security industry, I’ve seen first hand the behaviors and attitudes that prevent meaningful dialogue. It does not have to be this way.