
State Dept: E-mails on Clinton Server ‘Top Secret’

It was revealed today that the State Department is now counting 37 pages of e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server as “Top Secret.” If you, as a federal employee with a Top Secret clearance, disclose such items as what is talked about in these reports, this is what would happen to you.

FinTech Presents Challenges for Counterterrorism Financing

New app platforms based in financial technology (FinTech) might be the next vulnerability for Counter-Terrorism Financing.

After Blizzard, Significance of Dependable and Emergency Response

The East Coast is still digging out after Winter Storm Jonas, some places faster than others. An important part of recovery from major weather events is reliable information, and there’s reason to think some areas hit by Jonas could be doing a better job. This isn’t just about knowledge; it’s about emergency management.

Public-Private Partnerships can Enhance Profitability, Security

Having good customer service improves the profitability of merchants at the airports, and from a law enforcement perspective, a calm airport environment allows CBP and other law enforcement officers to identify potential threats. Here’s how.

Clinton Indictment Watch – SAP Found on Home Server

On Tuesday, several media outlets reported that Intelligence Community Inspector General sent a letter to Congress regarding Sec. Hillary Clinton stored documents on her home server that were classified “Special Access Program.”

(Security) Theater of the Absurd – TSA and the Screening Partnership Program

Half of the U.S. public believes the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) makes flying safer—and half don’t. There’s plenty of evidence that TSA airport screeners are not effective, but worse, the agency is rigging the system to make sure it is the only option for airport security. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Privatizing Screening at U.S. Airports Should be Based on Metrics, Including Customer Service

The Screening Partnership Program, managed TSA, relies on private sector employees for airport screening. Millions of passengers are screened by this program each year. I have wondered over the years why more airports, especially the large ones, are not a greater part of SPP. There are many good reasons why they should be.

One Strategy Does Not Fit All Terrorists

Big issues, like international and domestic terrorism, are incredibly complex. So how can so many of the proposed solutions to America’s terrorism woes fit inside a 5-second soundbite? They can’t because they aren’t real solutions.

White House, Silicon Valley Collaborate on ISIS Social Media Use

On January 8, the White House made a long-overdue call to Silicon Valley. The topic: to meet and collaborate on how extremist groups are using social media platforms in recruiting followers and encouraging violence.

Choke Points at Screening Areas Present Security Risk

Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of standing in a long line, waiting to pass through security screening. These choke points in screening processes create exceptionally soft targets for the motivated bad actor, and they are a security vulnerability that needs to be corrected.