
Hacking the Cybersecurity Labor Force

National Cyber Security Awareness month has been jam-packed with conferences and panels on strengthening America’s cyber readiness. Perhaps the biggest challenge we face is cultivating a qualified cybersecurity workforce.

Gary Carter and the Lessons He Taught Us

Gary Carter, DHS Executive Director of Program Accountability and Risk Management, died a week ago. What does this have to do with national security? Everything.

FOIA Request Delivers New CBP Data on Customer Complaints, Compliments

Newly released data from Customs and Border Protection shows that for calendar year 2014, the agency received more than 7,200 complaints and compliments, more than 30% of which were related to employee conduct.

DHS Finalizes Strategy on Countering Violent Extremism

At last week’s meeting of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism And Responses to Terrorism, DHS Science and Technology Directorate Undersecretary Reginald Brothers announced the completion of a department-wide Countering Violent Extremism strategy.

What Can We Learn From Recent Attacks in Israel?

By Dr. Doron Pely
Looking at the recent wave of attacks in Israel, one of the most prominent common denominators is that most perpetrators were not affiliated with an organized group and they chose their targets on the basis of “Target of Most Loathing” criteria.

The Intense Personalization of Caring

Everywhere I turn, I get the sense that people are thinking, “If I cannot control it, I don’t worry about it.” When I read the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, I wondered if DHS employees are expressing the same “why-should-I-care” messages that I have been hearing across the country.

United States Unprepared to Meet Threat From Mass Migration

When it comes to border security, lines of razor-wire and soldiers is a proposition some in the United States might support, but from experience, we know this is woefully insufficient to keep a border secure and large-scale migration in check.

No Lives Matter to Violent Extremists

The United States is having a discussion about law enforcement and violence. No one rejects the sentiment that all lives matter, except for one group: homegrown violent extremists. To them, no lives matter, and in the United States, homegrown attacks against law enforcement are occurring at an increasing rate.

DHS Proposes Rule on FOIA – Comment Period Open

DHS recently proposed a rule on Freedom of Information Act regulations and concluded that “this rule does not impose additional costs on the public or the government.” I take exception to the fact that DHS has not been able to quantify any costs or benefits to the public or the government for at least two reasons.

Mexican Energy Reform is Gateway to Improve U.S. Security

When we talk about border security, we often focus on what the United States should do to stop illegal crossings. Less often discussed, however, is what can be done in Mexico (and elsewhere in Latin America) to dampen the desire to illegally enter the United States in the first place. One surefire way to achieve this: economic development.