
The Time Has Come – Recognizing a Need for Regulation in Cybersecurity

After twenty years of rapid growth, we now stand with an unregulated and uncontrolled Internet vulnerable to attack and disruption from anywhere and by anyone on the planet. We have minced around the edges of doing something about this essential part of our daily lives for years. The time has come to declare reality. It is a public utility. It affects all Americans lives. It needs to be regulated by the government.

Election to Decide Future Interrogation Methods in Terrorism Cases

Neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney has said much about torture as part of terrorism investigations during the 2012 general campaign. But the future of American government practices when interrogating high-level terrorism suspects appears likely to turn on the outcome of the election.

Staying Left of Boom – Defeating the IED Threat in America

Facing a deadly IED threat in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. Government developed an array of technologies to protect American troops against improvised bombs. With the troop draw down underway, these technologies are being brought home and could be valuable assets to homeland security professionals facing an IED threat in America.

Phoenix Filmmaker Arrested After Allegedly Staging Terrorist Hoax to Test Police Response Time

A Phoenix filmmaker has been arrested for allegedly videotaping his nephew dressed in a sheet while pointing a fake grenade launcher at passing cars in an apparent terrorist hoax to test police-response time after the Aurora, Colo., movie theater massacre, authorities said today.

National Security Experts Go Rogue For 'Drone Smackdown'

It started as trash talk between two contributors to a national security blog. They decided to host a drone smackdown to see if one guy’s machine could take down another. Unarmed drones, of course.

TSA Pays $490 Million For Smaller, Faster Body Scanners

The Transportation Security Administration is dropping nearly half a billion dollars on compact, next-generation body scanners to better detect concealed explosives, such as the newfangled underwear bomb recently seized in Yemen.

Obama's Cyber Attack

President Obama and Congress have checked out of Washington until after Election Day, but their absence isn’t preventing harmful policy from spawning along the Potomac. A case in point is a back door move to regulate the Internet.

DHS launches new nationwide training to counter violent extremism

A new web portal will soon help train law enforcement officers to counter violent extremism, the Homeland Security Department’s Scott McAllister said at a Sept. 19 Senate hearing.

Napolitano: Executive order on cybersecurity is 'close to completion'

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Wednesday said the cybersecurity executive order that the White House is drafting is “close to completion.”

FBI eager to embrace mobile 'Rapid DNA' testing

It’s been the FBI’s dream for years — to do near-instant DNA analysis using mobile equipment in the field — and now “Rapid DNA” gear is finally here.