
Napolitano's Speech with DHS Cupcake: A Review

Maybe it’s just a Washington thing, but no where can you gather more than a hundred or so people in a significant venue for a major speech on a topic of national importance that says… well… nothing. Such was the scene at the National Press Club where DHS Secretary Napolitano delivered her second annual “State of Homeland Security Address.” Attendees were greeted with a plate of cupcakes decorated with the DHS logo. Either someone at the National Press Club has a wicked sense of humor or the Department has gotten very creative with its logo.

Napolitano's State of Homeland Security Filled with Missed Opportunities

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano delivered a “State of Homeland Security” address yesterday at the National Press Club and did a wonderful job delivering a very droll message. She is an accomplished public speaker and was comfortable in reading from the Teleprompter, and if her goal was to avoid making headlines, her presentation was a rousing success.

White House Releases National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security

By Seth Stodder
This week, the Obama Administration released its long-awaited National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security. The strategy articulates the Administration’s vision for working with the international partners and the global private sector to both promote the efficient and secure movement of goods throughout the global economy, and also foster the development of a supply chain system more resilient to major disruptions.

Who will be the Next Homeland Security Secretary?

Change is on the horizon for DHS leadership. While Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s health seems to be fine and she appears to be in decent political shape (there aren’t rampant calls for her resignation or her being driven from office), the odds are she will leave her post next January regardless of whether her boss, President Barack Obama, is re-elected or not. Here are some likely candidates for DHS Secretary.

Faster, Safer, and Smarter: A Modern Visa System for the United States

The U.S. visa system is still not effectively focusing resources on those who pose a threat to our country. More than a decade after 9/11, foreign tourists, business travelers, students, and temporary workers presenting low security risks face the same cumbersome and unpredictable procedural hurdles as high-risk applicants. Despite commendable efforts by the State Department to speed up visa issuance, only modest progress has been made in translating the tremendous technological advances in homeland security to the visa system to ensure that accurate determinations are made in a timely manner.

Supreme Court Rules on GPS Surveillance

By Seth Stodder
This week, the Supreme Court dipped its toes into the muddy waters of how modern surveillance technologies – in this case, GPS tracking – fit within the 200-year-old confines of the Fourth Amendment. In United States v. Jones, the Court ruled that the DC Police and the FBI violated the Fourth Amendment when they placed a GPS tracker on a Jeep Cherokee driven by criminal suspect Antoine Jones, and then tracked it for 28 days – all without a valid search warrant.

Obama's Kill Sheet – He's Not a Wimp

President Obama’s critics (of which I have been one) have tried to infer he is many things. He’s been called a socialist, a far-left liberal and other names. People will use all sorts of facts and inferences to back their words up but one word and invective that will never stick is “wimp.” Through the use of drones, Special Forces, Navy SEALS and all of the other military resources at his disposal, the President has scored a kill sheet that no one could have imagined. The inspirational orator that many thought was weak-kneed has become remarkably effective and efficient at getting rid of some of the world’s most pungent trash.

The National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy: Closing a Window of Criminal Opportunity

Last week, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy issued the National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy. Unless you knew it was coming and happened to be keeping an eye peeled for it, the document may well have escaped notice—with its release on a Friday, in the heat of primary season, and in the immediate lead-up to the President’s State of the Union Address. This is something of a shame because the plan contains some welcome elements that, if well executed, could make a positive contribution to the field.

Chemical Security (CFATS) Bogged Down in Congress Due to Lack of Action

CQ Homeland Security (subscription required) Chemical facility security is getting bogged down in Congress, due, evidently, from lack of energy (energy – get it? no one?): A set of bills that would extend the federal government’s ability to assess chemical facility security have never had a clear path to enactment, largely due to longstanding disagreements between […]

Why I’m Unfollowing and Generally Unliking Law Enforcement Social Media

I just worked my way through multiple social media feeds from federal law enforcement and homeland security agencies. I wanted to stick a paper clip in my eye. The lack of thought put into the posts and clear lack of interest in engaging community members is obvious. The continuous desire on the part of government agencies to “control the message” is self-defeating. Guys: You’re not controlling any message.