
Colorado to Test New Immigration Rules

The Department of Homeland Security’s new deportation policy is being tested in Denver.
For the next six weeks, prosecutors will review all 7,800 cases in Denver Immigration Court, to determine which immigrants pose a threat or security risk and which ones do not.

Deutsche Bank CEO Receives Mail Bomb

On December 7, staff in the post room at the Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt identified a suspicious package while x-raying mail. Police were called and disarmed the device. The package/letter was addressed to the Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann and had a return address on the back stating it had come from the European […]

Beyond the Border – A U.S.-Canada Perimeter Security Program

Yesterday, President Obama and Prime Minister Harper unveiled the details of an updated “Beyond the Border Initiative,” which creates a shared border security responsibility. The 9/11 terrorist attacks triggered a virtually complete closing of the U.S.-Canada border. Although it quickly reopened, much tighter and more time-consuming security procedures were put in place. Recognizing the need to work to improve both security and efficiency, Washington and Ottawa have taken various measures over the years to better secure their common border.

Ft. Hood and Nidal Hasan – Political Correctness Gone Wild

Senator Susan Collins ripped in to representatives of the Department of Defense this week. The issue was one so absurd that I could not believe it at first. The Department has categorized the Fort Hood Shootings where Major Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people as an example of “workplace violence.” The Senator responded rightly; she was not incredulous, she was livid. Calling this incident of terrorism workplace violence equates it with the proverbial postal employee gone wild. This was an act of Islamic terrorism.

Dover's Unconscionable Disrespect of Our Own

I’m mad. In fact, I’m furious. I just read the Washington Post’s latest story on the treatment of the remains of U.S. military service members that served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Air Force dumped their incinerated remains in a landfill. What was originally thought to be a few dozen is now up to 274 people. The truth is, the full number of desecrated remains may never be known given the reckless and absolute abhorrent conduct of the people at Dover Air Force Base who engaged in these actions.

Congressional Committee Issues Report on Homegrown Terrorism

The U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security held a joint hearing today with the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs entitled “Homegrown Terrorism: The Threat to Military Communities Inside the United States.” According to the Department of Defense, American soil is the most dangerous place for our service men and women outside of actual war zones due to radicalism and homegrown terrorism.

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Visits Abu Dhabi

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano yesterday visited Abu Dhabi where she met with her international counterparts and delivered remarks to law enforcement officials at the Gulf States Global Police Symposium, underscoring the importance of international policing and security partnerships.

Should Homeland Security Control the E Grid? Maybe.

The time has come for the U.S. government to focus a single agency’s efforts on reinforcing the security of the electrical grid, MIT researchers said today in a wide-rangingreport.
The issue, MIT’s researchers say, is that the many stakeholders involved in maintaining the U.S. electrical grid aren’t working together, even though “cybersecurity regulations for bulk power systems already exist in the form of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection reliability standards.” For one, the researchers point out, those standards only apply to “the bulk power system and [do] not include the distribution system.” Distribution utilities on the local level are operating outside current regulations, making managing the entire grid practically impossible, the researchers added.

TSA Holiday Ditty: Grandma Got Molested at the Airport

Here’s hoping TSA has a sense of humor in the stressful holiday travel season.

TSA Probes Profiling Allegations in Honolulu

The Transportation Security Administration said Thursday that it is investigating allegations that screeners at Honolulu International Airport have targeted Mexican travelers for extra screening.