
Congressman Issa, Secretary Napolitano Spar Over Operation Fast and Furious

During testimony on Capitol Hill, Chairman Issa gets into a tense exchange with Secretary Napolitano on what she knew and when she knew it regarding Operation Fast and Furious.

'Disasters' strain FEMA's resources –

‘Disasters’ strain FEMA’s resources – The federal government is turning hundreds of relatively low-cost storms into federal disasters — draining billions of dollars in scarce FEMA aid and tying up millions more for years. Those factors have helped to deplete the federal disaster-relief fund six times since 2003, stopping thousands of reconstruction projects for […]

Son of Stuxnet – What Does Duqu Mean?

The recently identified “Duqu” worm has raised a whole new set of issues. Seemingly a variant of the Stuxnet malware that got so much of the world’s attention, everyone is trying to figure out what it “means.” Stuxnet opened a new window, and Duqu is only the first of many. The rub is, unlike Stuxnet, which targeted Iranian centrifuges, Duqu may be coming directly at you and your systems.

What Police Should be Learning From the Occupy Protests

The phrase “Occupy Movement” has taken over from Occupy Wall Street as the umbrella term for all protest groups. This shift captures not only the geographic differences, but the fact that each Occupy has its own participants, agendas and therefore must be understood as a separate entity. The Occupy movement is looking to the Arab Spring as inspiration. As time drags on, it is likely there will be increased frustration which will lead some to look for more effective or entertaining tactics. The groups with more violent intent will seek to aggravate the police into reacting violently against not only them but the whole crowd, converting far more people to be willing to fight with the police.

McDonnell frustrated feds haven’t given okay for troopers to train as immigration agents – Virginia Politics – The Washington Post

McDonnell frustrated feds haven’t given okay for troopers to train as immigration agents – Virginia Politics – The Washington Post Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) said Tuesday that he is frustrated that the federal government has not responded to his request from more than a year ago that state troopers act as immigration and customs agents. […]

House Passes Asia-Pacific Travel Card Act, Expedites Foreign Travel

For almost four years, disagreements among federal agencies have impeded U.S. participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card (ABTC) program. The ABTC is meant to expedite the travel of business men and women in the Asia-Pacific region as international trade and travel has grown explosively. Today marks a huge milestone as the House of Representatives passed the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2011. It allows U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to issue ABTCs to qualified business executives at no cost to the Treasury or taxpayers.

Moral Equivalence – Really?!?

Over the last few weeks, events have led people with interesting points of view to make claims of moral equivalence between actions in and by the United States and actions by others. The first is between the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki by a U.S. drone strike and the planned assassination of the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. by agents of Iran. How can any reasonable person suggest that since the United States took out Awlaki, we have no business criticizing Iran for plotting to kill the Saudi Ambassador? Let’s make accurate comparisons and proper analyses as we evaluate events here and abroad.

FEMA urged to increase accountability —

FEMA urged to increase accountability — The Federal Emergency Management Agency and lawmakers considered less error-prone courses for the organization’s future during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We want to make sure FEMA has a culture of accountability,” said Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark. “I think they’re trying hard to get that accountability back.”

Qaddafi’s Cause of Death – Why is this a Big Deal?

The world is a better place without Moammar Qaddafi. It’s a wish that most of the planet has wanted to have fulfilled for some time. The brutal dictator inflicted death and suffering not just on his own people but on several continents. Yet, given the manner of his death, the United Nations, members of the international community, and other human rights groups are calling for a full-fledged investigation into the circumstances of his death. Some parties have even alleged that Qaddafi’s death may in fact be “war crime.” There are so many things to debate about the future of Libya, and this issue seems to be the least important.

Corporate Preparations for Protester Challenges

Occupy Wall Street is not just a protest. It’s an intelligence tool for protest organizers the world over. Protesters inspired by the growing Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City are spreading throughout the United States and the world to challenge the current business and governmental paradigm. That is why corporate leaders and their security teams must be aware of the tactics, information, capabilities and equipment protesters are using. Corporations must not underestimate the resolve of the protesters and their efforts to bring a negative view to the corporate brand name.